Weiss - Multipurpose Joomla Template

Weiss - Multipurpose Joomla Template

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Weiss template is a multipurpose Joomla template with clean and modern design. This means it will be one suiting all needs: Blog, Events, Business, Company website, Personal website…

Need supports?

* Support Forum


When being our member, you have access to our forum where you can post your problem and get support to solve it.

* Support Desk System


It includes two supporting systems: the Ticket system, by submitting a ticket about your problem to us, member will receive answer to the problem. It is also fast and easy to check whether your problem has been solved and how it is fixed.The second worth-mentioning supporting system is FAQ includes a lot of useful information to be found.

* E-mail

It is also possible to e-mail to support@templaza.com in order to ask them for help.

Change logs:

Version 1.4:

    Update Joomla latest version 3.4.1.    Update Plazart latest version 4.3.    Update TZPortfolio latest version 3.3.2.    Update HikaShop Starter 2.5.0    Fix error create or edit article in front-end.    Fix the error of creating a new menu item in the back-end of the quickstart package (Version 1.3).

Version 1.3:

    Update Joomla latest version 3.3.6.    Update Plazart latest version 3.8.    Update TZPortfolio latest version 3.2.8.    Fix error header on Safari browser.    Fix portfolio article style on mobile layout.

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