NOTE: It is NOT a Wordpress theme.
Aside is a fullscreen and responsive HTML portfolio theme for the professional creative(Check the wordpress version). It’s easy to use and concentrates on showcasing your work to potential clients and employers with interesting interactions.
- Fully Responsive Layout: adapts to smaller devices (iPhone, iPad), touch device friendly
- Light / Dark background ready
- 600+ Google Fonts – the latest google font data could be updaed at any time
- Fullwidth Background Video
- Parallax
- IconFonts (400+ Font Awesome Icon)
- Custom image icon box
- Retina Ready: Looks beautiful on retina monitor
- Based on Bootstrap
- Build with HTML5 &CSS3
- Clean/Modern Design can be used for any type of website
- Awesome ajax(liquid list) portfolio
- Info-graphic with transition animation included: Bar, Columns, Big number, Pictorial, Pie
- Scrolled transition animation
- Dozen useful modules, any layout imaginable is possible : Portfolio list, Blog list, Heading, Icon list, Toggle, Tabs, Google maps, Contact form, Team items, Inforgrahic, IconBox, ImageBox, Count down, Carousel.
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Another sidebar layout HTML theme – ZA