Effect – Responsive E-Commerce Template
Effect is a modern and clean e-commerce template. It’s coded keeping in mind most of widely used e-commerce platforms. The template consists of 22 pages. The HTML structure is based on Twitter’s Bootstrap 3.1 framework. For styling we used CSS3 & HTML

Available on Themeforest

Main Features
- HTML5 Boilerplate & Bootstrap 3 Based
- Fully responsive
- Compact blocks
- Unlimited colors and 600+ Google Fonts
- 500+ Free Icons (Bootstrap, Awesome, Elusive)
- Easily customizable blocks
- Slider Revolution! Responsive jQuery Plugin
- Clean and modern design
Twitter’s Bootstrap 3.1 Google Fonts (Raleway) Google Fonts (PT+Sans) Font Awesome 4.1 Owl carousel Animate.css Many jQuery plugins from CodropsNote
– All images used in preview files are removed from the download package.