QUANTUM - Responsive Business WordPress Theme

QUANTUM - Responsive Business WordPress Theme

QUANTUM is a powerful business WordPress theme developed for business and corporations. QUANTUM comes packaged with many powerful features including a private members area system, private posts, private file browsing, security add-ons, custom member roles, 30+ custom shortcodes, Redux Options Framework and a whole lot more. QUANTUM is ideal for businesses of any kind that require a powerful backend system for member management and private file browsing.

Updates :

QUANTUM v1.9.6 (Apr. 11, 2016)

- Visual Composer plug-in update to version 4.11.1- Recaptcha module removed from all forms for security purposes- New security question added to registration form- New "Display Sub-Header" option added under Appearance -> Customize Quantum -> Header Options (enables/disables the sub-header globally)- New "Copyright notice" field added under Quantum Options -> Footer Options (supports HTML tags)- Minor bugs fixed- RTL support added- Updated translation file- Updated child theme- PSD files now included

QUANTUM v1.9.5 (Mar. 13, 2016)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.11- New theme customizer section added (Custom Post Type Options)- New option added under Customize Quantum -> Custom Post Type Options to control the display order of staff posts- Updated Twitter fetch plugin- Updated Woocommerce template files- Updated child theme

QUANTUM v1.9.4 (Jan. 28, 2016)

- Presentation area text on home page fixed (html code removed)- Panel Text field under Quick Login Options has been moved to Quantum Options area (under Header Options)- Minor css issues fixed- Updated customizer settings file- Updated translation file- Updated child theme

QUANTUM v1.9.3 (Jan. 26, 2016)

- Comments system bug fixed- Speed enhancments added (minified js scripts, SASS compiler support, conditional checks for js files)- Footer Call to Actions fixed (social and newsletter columns no longer accept HTML characters for sanitization reasons)- Copyright Notice fixed (no longer accepts HTML characters for sanitization reasons and the copyright date now displays the current year)- Updated Woocommerce template files- Updated translation file- Updated child theme

QUANTUM v1.9.2 (Jan. 13, 2016)

- Redux framework updated to version v3.5.8.15- Visual composer plugin update to version 4.9.2- New parameter added to milestone and piechart shortcodes to enable/disable the percent symbol- Load more feature removed from gallery and staff templates- New Global Header Image option added for pages and posts under the theme customizer area- All forms are now 100% translatable- Security enhancements added to code- Updated translation file- Updated child theme

QUANTUM v1.9.1 (Dec. 16, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.9- Updated Woocommerce template files- Security code captcha image replaced with Google Re-captcha on contact and registration forms- New "Google Options" tab added to the theme customizer for re-captcha API keys- Updated child theme

QUANTUM v1.9 (Oct. 29, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.8- wpml-config.xml file support added for Redux translations- Translation bug fixed - translation files should now load correctly- Updated child theme

QUANTUM v1.8.9 (Oct. 6, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.7.4- New icon_color parameter added to pricingTable shortcode- Avatar image area now remains hidden on quoteBox shortcode if no value is supplied- Updated child theme

QUANTUM v1.8.8 (Sep 16, 2015)

- Sidebar support added to Registration Template- New Registration Template widget created for Registration Template page- Email notification now gets sent to administrator when a new registration occurs- Localization issue fixed- Updated .po file- Updated child theme

QUANTUM v1.8.7 (Sep 2, 2015)

- Visual Composer pages added for Homepage, About Us and Services pages- Templatera template file added to setup_files folder (requires Templatera plugin)- WordPress demo content files updated and reorganized- New featureBox shortcode added specifically for Visual Composer

QUANTUM v1.8.6 (August 26, 2015)

- Redux framework updated to version 3.5.7- Theme customizer conflict with Redux resolved- PHP security issues addressed- Twitter Widget is now powered by Twitter Posts Fetcher (Twitter Widget ID is now required to fetch Tweets)- Widget constructor updated for WordPress 4.3- Form response messages can now be translated- Updated .po file

QUANTUM v1.8.5 (August 10, 2015)

- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.4.0- Woocommerce form fields are now selectable- New Post Options added under theme customizer to toggle news post sections (author bio, social icons, related posts)- Updated child theme

QUANTUM v1.8.4 (Jun 25, 2015)

- PrettyPhoto updated to version 3.1.6 (prettyPhoto XSS fix)- Redux framework updated to version Main navigation now supports 2 level deep drop menus on both desktop and mobile- Members Area plugin updated to version 1.3 (new options for members area added)- Custom slug name can now be added for member pages and members menu- New Staff Template added (allows you to display all staff profiles on a single page)- Custom Post Type slug names can now be controlled under Quantum Options -> Custom Post Type Slugs- Member Options has been removed from Quantum Options menu in favor of the Members Area plug-in- Missing translations added- Updated .po file- Updated child theme- Visual Composer 4.5.3 now bundled

QUANTUM v1.8.3 (April 24, 2015)

- Redux framework updated to version 3.5.4- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.3.8

QUANTUM v1.8.2 (April 20, 2015)

- Theme customizer export/import plugin now bundled- New theme customizer settings file now bundled- Minor bug fixed on Drop Menu Indicator- Minor css issues on woocommerce checkout form

QUANTUM v1.8.1 (April 18, 2015)

- Javascript error fixed for safari browser

QUANTUM v1.8 (April 17, 2015)

- Custom redirect URL can now be added to logout buttons under Quantum Options- Disable parallax on post slider option added under theme customizer- WPML language selector added- Accordion system fixed for mobile devices- Google maps shortcode now renders correctly in Accordion and tab systems- Mulitple tab and accordion systems can now be added on a single page- New postItems shortcode added powered by owl carousel (can be used to display news posts similar to the post slider)- Drop menu indicator has been switched to a FontAwesome value- New Drop menu icon has been added allowing you to change the icon on the main menu drop down menu- New transparency slider added for the Sub menu background color- New fat footer padding slider added allowing you to control the amount of vertical padding on the fat footer- New radio option to toggle the sub menu area on or off- Member profile account fields have been added to the WordPress admin- Missing translations to members area has been added- Updated .po / .mo files- Child theme now bundled- Updated Woocommerce template files for version 2.3.7- Late escaping security added to dynamic code- Updated Redux framework- Updated documentation

QUANTUM v1.7 (Jan. 5, 2015)

- Default values added to all theme customizer options (minus image fields). Initial setup of theme is now much easier with WordPress 4.1- New Post Carousel radio option to control the order of posts (Ascending or Descending)- CSS issues fixed on Woocommerce pages- New radio options added under Footer Options to control toggling each individual column in the Social footer- New option added under Global Options to control compatibility mode for IE 9- Redux framework updated to version


Updates in 1.6:

- New quick login panel added- New front-end registration form template added- New Gallery post type added- Minor issues and bugs fixed- Updated documentation- Updated Redux framework


Updates in 1.5

- Woocomerce template files updated for version 2.2- Shortcode support added to text widgets- Default call to actions added for footer area- Minor issues and bugs fixed- Updated Redux framework


Updates in 1.4

- Minor issues and bugs addressed


Updates in 1.3

- Text alignment on unordered lists has been fixed- Primary color has been applied to the mobile menu activator- Colors now get applied correctly to search button under theme customizer


Updates in 1.2

- Updated redux framework to version Sub-header can now be disabled on pages- Favicon field added to Redux Options- New Post slider options added under theme customizer (autoplay, rewind speed, slide speed and disable posts only)- New Header Option added to change the base URL on the company logo- Updated options file- Updated documentation


Updates in 1.1

- Updated redux framework to version Social sharing buttons are now URL encoded- Post titles on home page carousel are now limited to 4 words to prevent extra long titles from breaking the layout- Compatibility view in Internet explorer has been disabled-. Updated member-roles.zip file. File has been renamed to members-area.zip and a new Members Area settings page has been added allowing an administrator to set the default registration role type for new members.- Updated documentation - in particular the Security files section (please read this section again) and the Theme Customizer (Header Options)- New Header Option added under Theme customizer to disable or enable transparency on the sub menu navigation.- New Header Option under Theme customizer to change the rollover color of the main navigation- New Header Option added under Theme customizer to change the drop menu indicator image

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