VideoTouch - Video WordPress Theme

VideoTouch - Video WordPress Theme

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This is a theme made by TouchSize, a well-known premium themes and plugin creator The company is a leading WordPress developer that always looks for quality and beautiful aesthetics along with excellent options and settings. Not only it offers Premium WordPress Themes, but also offers great and quality support for their users and customers. If you are interested in using true quality and premium WordPress themes, you should check our website.

VideoTouch is ultra responsive, retina ready, and built on Twitter Bootstrap framework. It features a clean, modern and interesting design, packed with the super powerful TouchSize Layout Builder which offers unlimited possibilities and options. Our Page Builder is at the core of our theme, giving you full control over your website and lets you create sites that suits your needs. The builder incorporates some incredible features making it one of the most versatile themes on the market . If you’re looking for a theme that will offer you the possibility to create any website – VideoTouch is the one.

VideoTouch is responsive

It just looks good on any device, from big desktop monitors to small smartphone screens.

VideoTouch is respects your content

You don’t get any hidden content for mobile devices. No sidebars and content blocks are hidden.

VideoTouch includes Touch Layout Builder

UNLIMITED layouts. Enough said. Our builder gives you the opportunity to change anything. It includes lots of elements that you can arrange to suit your needs. As the website uses the 12 columns Twitter Bootstrap setup, it’s easy to manage your content through columns. Any element can have from 2 to 12 columns. 5 styles of listing posts, with tons of options for each type. And the important thing – IT’S EASY. It’s not an additional plugin – it stands at this theme’s core and it works blazingly fast! Everything is well made and documented.

VideoTouch is high-resolution (retina) ready

This theme is retina-ready. No additional coding and plugins are required.

VideoTouch is by an Elite Author

People like what we do. We craft themes and plugins to help them and keep them updated with latest technologies. We proved that our work is good, and you, the customers felt what it feels to have a good product.

VideoTouch has Powerful Meta Options.

Our meta options integration provides the flexibility to control the layout of each page/post, setting sidebars, thumbnails, links, and more.

VideoTouch has Google fonts integrated.

This theme includes font customization. Choose the font you like and suits your needs.


Not 2, 3, 4, 5. UNLIMITED layouts. Headers are created through the layout builder and can be adjusted as you need. No limitations.


Just like the header – you have unlimited layouts. No restrictions, change the footer as you think it will look better. Your website, your rules.

VideoTouch has Localization.

Localization Theme comes with .po and .mo files which will make it easy to translate the theme to your language.

VideoTouch has Demo content included.

Demo content comes with the package. Just download the theme and you’ll get all the demo content included.

VideoTouch has Unlimited sidebars.

You can add as many as you need. Include them in the layout builder. Make them bigger or smaller in width. Use them anywhere you want.

VideoTouch has Custom widgets.

Widgets make your life easier. We included some social widgets to connect with your customers. Because social media is important.

VideoTouch has 4 custom posts.

It’s easier to manage each post type. That’s why we have Portfolios, Sliders, Team members, pricing tables added as standard.

VideoTouch has 2 built-in sliders.

We have Flexslider and Slicebox integrated, and still the theme is compatible with any slider that can run through shortcodes like Revolution Slider, Layer Slider, etc.

VideoTouch has Custom theme options panel.

Not only it has a Layout Builder included, this theme has tons of options as standard accesible through the Theme Options page.

VideoTouch has exclusive 5* support.

Because you mean a lot to us. Because our customers receive the best support. And because we love to see our products shining and looking great. Everything is organized and simple. Once you need it – you can check our knowledgebase and the ticketing system where we will be happy to answer any questions and assist with anything you need. It’s easier for everybody to write questions and receive answers. Fast and simple!

Check out video demos with the builder:

version 1.8* Fixed and updated WooCommerce files* Fixed text builder element* Fixed pagination on front-page* Fixed shortcodes bug* Fixed breadcrumbs* Set transient for Twitter widget* Fixed Facebook modal* Fixed mosaic view with lazy-loading* Fixed social sharing single option* Fixed pagination clearfix* Added members only option* Fixed theme background options* Fixed social icons* Added Integration with Simple WP Membership plugin* Fixed Envato Updater* Added poster for self hosted video* Added option for video upload only* Added login widget* Fixed tabs on add post page* Fixed social sharing disable option on singles* Fixed WPML compatibility* Fixed prettyPhoto* Fixed sticky menu* Fixed user element optionsversion 1.7CSS fixesincluded videos in the searchupdated WooCommerce filesfixed sticky menu bugfixed likes showing optionfixed blog sidebar optionfixed mega menu bugupdated jwplayer versionadded ajax loginadded options for the video carousel element from the layout builderfixed featured area tabsWP Engine modal issuepagination for big postsVersion 1.6 & 1.5Archive date bugMosaic bug with lazy loadFixed scrollbar issueFixed load more button to exclude pending postsFixed the preloaderAdded Video Importing Compatibility With PluginFixed single video issuesFixed password protected pages with builderFixed product gallery issueAdded custom social buttons to team membersAdded instagram social optionFixed prettyPhoto issueImproved contact formFixed retina optionFixed post filters issueFixed patterns optionsFixed author box optionFixed Facebook modal optionFixed sidebarFixed archive paginationFixed archive sidebarAdded 4.3 compatibility for widgetsFixed featured posts option issueFixed thumbnail view 1 per rowFixed profile page (issue on some servers)version 1.4massive code and script use optimizationfixed the Facebook modaladmin bar issuefixed issue with singe product pagesadded pre-roll optionsfixed SSL image uploadsversion 1.3.1fixed user registration issuesfixed some plugin compatibility problemsminor CSS fixesadded text to inform users that video is pendingversion 1.3fixed author box for single posts (global option)fixed global meta disable option for single video (global)fixed title issue with quotes for sharing in video postfixes for the WooCommerce single page thumbnailfix for the text element in the layout builderlist custom posts types element fixedpost type authorization for the front-end submissionadded custom posts in searchadded option for multiple menus on the pageadded possibility to change the custom post type slugsfixed the post meta option for video postsfixed avatar for usersfixed ribbon banner for the mobile viewsfixed aspect ratios for video playersfixed facebook like box for mobileadded more seo functionality by defaultfixed the shopping cart align issuesfixed data validation for user registrationfixed the user role issuesminor CSS fixescode optimizationversion 1.2added embed video optionadded new single video post layoutadded option to view videos with JWPlayeradded youtube, vimeo and dailymotion featured image getteradded Facebook login/register functionalityfixed issue with featured images for videos from youtube and no HD versionfixed mosaic view for small devicesfixed adversiting builder element issuefixed CSS issuesoptimized code

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