Singular – Bootstrap Admin Theme + AngularJS
Singular is an AngularJS Single Page Application based on the Bootstrap 3 framework.
- AngularJS 1.4.x
- Bootstrap UI (angular directives)
- Angular UI
- Nested routes and views
- Translation ready and RTL support
- Toaster notifications
- Lazy Load module (ozLazyLoad)
- Angular GMaps
- JADE/LESS sources files and modular JS
- Gulp tasks manager (build/server)
- Vendor dependencies managed with Bower
- Online documentation
- Bootstrap 3.x
- jQuery/JS working in the Angular way
- CSS3 Animations
- Icons
- Feather Icons
- Font Awesome 4 with +400 Retina Ready Icons
- Climacons – Animated SVG Weather Icons
- Weather icons web font
- Sidebar
- Loads structure from JSON
- Two submenu modes: collapse and slide
- Layout condensed and offcanvas (mobile)
- Application settings (autosave/restore)
- Forms UI
- Improved inputs
- Pure Angular Validation
- Pure Angular Wizard
- Responsive Tables
- Angular Tables (ngTable)
- Google Maps
- Vector Maps
- Charts
- Flot Charts (loaded from json)
- Sparkline
- Knob
- Extra Pages
- Login
- Singup
- Recover password
- Lock screen
- Invoice (print ready)
- Price table
- Search results
- Portlets (autosave position)
- jQuery Slimscroll
- Masonry Grid (css3 columns with fallback)
- Wysiwyg editor
- Apps
- FullCalendar
- Mailbox
- Todo tasks
- Custom directives (+15)
- Crossbrowser (IE9+)
- Responsive everywhere
- Mobile first components
- LESS & JADE source (Gulp file included)
- Well commented code
- InApp documentation
* 1.1
- Update AngularJS to 1.4.2
- Update Bootstrap to 3.3.5
- Update jQuery to 2.1.4
- Update Font Awesome to 4.4.0
- Fix fullscreen on ie (disabled)
- Fix view animation (removed animate-disabled from BS carousel)
- Added check to vendor copy tasks in Gulp
- Removed nullController placeholder from routes
* 1.0
- Initial Release