CadeoShopper - Multipurpose WooCommerce Magazine

CadeoShopper - Multipurpose WooCommerce Magazine

LAST UPDATE: APRt-24 – 2016
Please check the Change log included on files that you downloaded from Themeforest

Credit:- All images for demo only. Not included for download.


I. V 1.002-14-2015- Initial Release
II. V 1.102-14-2015- Update for WooCommerce 2.3
III. V 1.202-17-2015- Update XML file and CSS issue
III. V 1.302-20-2015- Update for responsive issue
III. V 1.402-24-2015- Fixed for navigation issue- Fixed for element responsive issue- Fixed for search result header's page.
IV. CadeoShopper V 1.503-17-2015- update for WooCommerce 2.3.6- Update for Visual Composer 4.4.3.- Update for minor CSS issue.
IV. CadeoShopper V 1.607-09-2015- update for WooCommerce 2.3.13- Update for Visual Composer 4.6.- Small translation issueNOTE:File to change:- WooCommerce's folder on main root theme.- Visual Composer plugin
VI. CadeoShopper V 1.722-10-2015- Update for WordPress 4.3.1.- Update for Visual Composer 4.7.4- update for WooCommerce 2.4.7NOTE:File to change:- WooCommerce's folder on main root theme. Make sure delete the old folder first.- Visual Composer plugin
V. CadeoShopper V 1.823-04-2016Update for:- Ready for WordPress 4.5.- WPBakery Visual Composer V.4.11.2.- Ready for WooCommerce 2.5.5.NOTE:File to change:- All premium plugin. Install from THIRD PARTY PLUGIN or from theme instalation.

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