Sierra – One Page Responsive Wordpress Template
Sierra One-Page Portfolio WordPress Theme is easy to use one page wp template. With very little modification, this flexible, responsive WordPress theme can be used to create Agency website, Freelancer, Photography, Creative, Fashion, Magazine, Blog website. Sierra comes with Revolution Slider making it easy to create cool slides in the header. Sierra One Page Parallax Creative Portfolio WordPress Theme comes in dark and light version and it’s great for everyone who want’s to easily create great portfolio website. Sierra WP theme uses Visual Composer packed with custom shortcodes designed for Sierra template. We have paid close attention to responsive versions of this theme and we have designed fully responsive website that has the same functionality as the full screen version. A unique feature is a multilayer parallax effect that enables you to create amazing and creative header. Multi layer parallax is easy to set-up or to modify. Simply replace the images in multi-layer parallax and you are good to go.
Sierra One Page Theme Features
- Multipurpose One-page & Multi-page theme
- Multilayer Parallax Header
- Video, image & texture backgrounds
- Demo content included
- One-click demo install
- Custom visual composer shortcodes
- WPML supported & translation ready
- Multisite supported
- Isotope powered portfolio shortcode
- Fully functional blog shortcode
- Dynamically loaded blog posts
- AJAX pagination transition with animations
- Functional search results page
- Gray-scale portfolio grid section
- “Love this post” button implemented for blog posts and portfolio items
- Option to share posts or portfolio items on social media
- Added backend functionality to see “Most loved posts”
- Hexagonal our team members with flip animation
- Intro animation for all elements
- Insert your own google map position with ease
- Flat UI colors and long shadows
- Easy to customize
- Sticky menu with search bar
- Choose left or right oriented menu
- Twitter widget implemented
- W3C Validated
- 336 Typicons font included
- Excellent documentation inside
- Award winning support team
- All Google fonts are included
Sierra Premium Plugins
- Slider Revolution for Wordpress
- Visual Composer
- Isotope
Change log
Update: April 18th, 2016
+ Version 1.8- Updated Visual Composer plugin to version Updated: Revolution slider plugin to version 5.2.5
Update: 24.08.2015
- Updated Revolution Slider
Update: v1.3.0 – 04.05.2015
+ Sierra Visual Composer plugin 1.3.0- Added pagination for Portfolio shortcode for Visual Composer. Now Potfolio item when opened and have slider and pagination- Corrected function name that get the value for single page custom width on single page and in theme_option_save_values- Fixed function to set Visual Composer as theme built in and disable notifications for update- Shindiri paralax dependency fix- Portfolio shortcode controls on resposive layout fix, portfolio gallery auto height fix- Wordpress 4.2 support- Css fix for default Wordpress gallery shortcode- Menu scroll fix and safari fix for the same bug- TGM-Plugin-Activation update - SSX- Demo content install fix for Wordpress 4.2- Revolution slider plugin update- Visual Composer update- Redux framework update
Update: v1.0 – 27.02.2015
+ Sierra Visual Composer plugin 1.2.0- Added new Visual composer shortcode for multilayer parallax - Fixed Safari browser problem with Team member shortcode for Visual Composer- Fixed captcha image problem with file permissions for Contact Form shortcode- Removed predefined color for Sierra title with separator shortcode - Updated Sierra portfolio shortcode. Added functionality to add gallery as portfolio item image and possibility to enter html in description field- Several minor adjustments