ENERGY - Responsive WordPress Fitness Theme

ENERGY - Responsive WordPress Fitness Theme

ENERGY is a Premium Fitness WordPress Theme and is designed for gyms, fitness studios, trainers and professional bloggers who cater to the fitness niche.

ENERGY WordPres comes packaged with a ton of awesome features including a scheduling system, events system, gallery system, staff member system, class and program post type, over 35 custom shortcodes, a custom slider, Redux options framework, 1170 responsive grid, custom built widgets and a whole lot more.

Updates :

ENERGY v1.4.6 (Apr. 8 2016)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.11.1 - New "Display Sub-Header?" customizer option added under "Header Options" to enable/disable the sub-header globally - New galleryPosts shortcode added - New text field option added under Energy Options -> Footer Options to change the copyright notice in the footer (supports HTML tags) - Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.4.5 (Mar. 14 2016)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.11- Updated Woocommerce template files- Re-captcha removed from contact form - Google API credentials removed from theme customizer- Twitter fetch plugin updated- Updated child theme- PSD files now bundled

ENERGY v1.4.4 (Feb. 10, 2016)

- Social icons bug fixed (certain default values were causing icons to appear even when fields were empty under Business information area in the theme customizer.)

ENERGY v1.4.3 (Feb. 2, 2016)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.9.2- Woocommerce template files updated- New Videos post type added- New template file for videos post type added- Load more feature removed on staff, gallery and events templates- Speed enhancements added to code (minimized js and css scripts along with conditional checks for active widgets and shortcodes)- Business phone address in header area is now linked for mobile devices- Copyright date in footer area now displays the current year instead of year of publication- Minor CSS issues fixed- Updated translation files- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.4.2 (Jan. 11, 2016)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.9.1- Redux Framework updated to version All forms are now 100% translatable- Updated .po file- Updated child theme- Security enhancements added to code- Minor bugs fixed

ENERGY v1.4.1 (Dec. 16, 2015)

- Woocommerce template files updated

ENERGY v1.4 (Dec. 2, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated to latest version- Captcha code on contact form replaced with Google re-captcha (requires Google re-captcha api keys to activate)- New Google API Keys tab added to the theme customizer area- Minor bugs fixed- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.3.9 (Oct. 30, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.8- wpml-config.xml file updated- Minor bugs fixed- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.3.8 (Oct. 7, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.7.4- New radio option added to enable/disable Fixed Height on Pulse slider- classesCarousel bug fixed- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.3.7 (Sep. 17, 2015)

- New parameter added to videoBox shortcode to control target window of the gallery link- Header images now override the global image (enable global header image option removed from theme customizer)- Header images can now be applied for Classes, Programs and Staff post types- Classes and Program posts now get sorted Alphabetically instead of date published- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.3.6 (Sep. 7, 2015)

- Visual Composer pages added- Templatera template for VC added to setup_files folder (requires Templatera plugin)- Updated Visual Composer plugin- New "disable_captcha" parameter added to contactForm shortcode to disable the captcha feature- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.3.5 (August 27, 2015)

- Redux framework updated to version 3.5.7- Theme customizer conflict with Redux resolved- PHP security issues addressed- Widget constructor updated for WordPress 4.3- Twitter Widget is now powered by Twitter Posts Fetcher (Twitter Widget ID is now required to fetch Tweets)- New color option added to change the background color of the boxed mode container (Appearance -> Customize Medical-Link -> Global Options)- Updated .po file- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.3.4 (August 11, 2015)

- Woocommerce template files updated for verison 2.4.0- Form responses are now translatable- Quick contact form submit button now gets hidden after successful submission preventing multiple submissions from occuring- Updated .po file- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.3.3 (July 16, 2015)

- Redux framework updated to version Events and Schedule post types have now been overhauled and separated into plugins- Events and Schedule system can now display reoccurring dates based on single, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly intervals with additional options such as selecting which days your programs/events will run on.- MeanMenu hover issue fixed- New option added under theme customizer Global Options to disable retina support- New setup files added- New plugins bundled (Visual composer 4.5.3, Premium Events, Premium Schedules)- Updated .po file (new translations added and a few missing translations added)- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.3.2 (June 28, 2015)

- PrettyPhoto XSS Fix

ENERGY v1.3.1 (May 19, 2015)

- New post options added to disable/enable various sections of news posts (ex. author profile, comments, related posts etc) under the theme customizer section- New post option added to control the amount of related posts that are displayed under the theme customizer section- postItems shortcode now powered by Owl carousel- Minor bugs fixed- Updated documentation- Updated .po file- Updated child theme

ENERGY v1.3 (April 24, 2015)

- Redux framework updated to version 3.5.4- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.3.8

ENERGY v1.2 (April 20, 2015)

- Theme customizer export/import plugin now bundled- New theme customizer settings file now bundled

ENERGY v1.1 (April 6, 2015)

- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.3.7- Variable product support added for Woocoomerce- Google maps now display correctly in Accordion and Tab systems- HTML code now outputs correctly in Copyright textarea under Customize Energy -> Footer Options- Google analytic's field removed from Energy Options panel as recommended by Themeforest (Google analytic's plugin is now the preferred method)- Minor CSS fixes made

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