Gazal Responsive PrestaShop Theme With Powerful Admin Options
Compatibility: Prestashop v1.6.1.x, v1.6
Theme comes with a Finalmenu which is the Premium PrestaShop Module for creation of Menu. It is one of the most advanced and highly customizable menu options. See the heaps of custom menu layout/color for each menu options! Customize this slider with our convenient drag&drop backend to your very needs. This is an extra $14 of value (price of the module)
Main Features
- Comptability
- PrestaShop v1.6.1.x, v1.6
- Change Every Thing
- Unlimited Layouts
- Unlimited Backgrounds Colors
- Unlimited Images backgrounds
- Unlimited Patterns backgrounds
- Unlimited Text, Links Colors
- Unlimited Google Fonts
- Unlimited Font sizes
- Unlimited Banners
- Unlimited Languages
- RTL – LTR Directions
Gazal theme supported two directions for supporting all available languages for all countries. It doesn’t matter where are you from or what’s your language Gazal will work perfect as you want.
- Custom Professional Category
Our Category module is special it shows first, second and the third level of categories also the description and main category image. We are sure that you will love it as we are
- Latest Products By Category
This custom module enables you add unlimited number of categories on any page also generates tabs for sub categories.
- Latest Products By Manufacture
This custom module enables you add unlimited number of Manufactures.
- Blog / News Manager Ready
Create unlimited SEO friendly articles through you Blog also sorted them from categories or sub categories as you want.
- Custom css
You can add your custom css from admin panel to create your personal look by your hands
- Ajax Product Search
Search box with ajax Auto fill products name with picture.
- Swipe Hover Rollover Image
Hover to any product image to flip it to its back and see the second image of it.
- 100% Responsive Design
As we use 960 grid system framework we garantee the best look on all devices (tablets, phones, etc..) Just resize your browser or open theme on your mobile or tablet.
- 1, 2 or 3 Columns
Supported one or two or 3 columns as you want in any page, We do that for 3 columns lovers so as you need your theme you will get it with Gazal.
- 960 Grid System Framework
Created by 960 grid system framework (One of the best grids framework ever) and we decide to create Gazal by this framework to have the same and perfect look on (+8 ie) versions browser and to be responsive also with ie 8 so the look will be perfect on all browsers also in old ie browsers.
- Custom Social Networks
Custom social networks integrated with theme options and placed on footer area Facebook Like box, Twitter Feed and Social media icons
- Powerful Admin Options
No edit onside code any more , Just admin area to add and modify everything in side theme you must see the powerful admin area to see the options you can change. It’s very easy to edit and change every thing through it.
- Zooming Product Page
For more focusing on your products and your material we added this custom feature (product image zoom).
- Sale Ratio Auto Detection
Auto detected the price between both old and new price.
- Html5 & CSS3
Created by the latest design and code techniques Html5 and CSS3 effects.
- Well Organized and Commented Code
For more professional work and to easy to any developer or any customer to work through files, we organized and commented every main block of code inside files.
- SEO Optimized
Site informations, descriptions, images, Titles, Product pages, Sitemap, Every thing created perfect by PrestaShop developers to help your site SEO to reach to top of google pages and work as site friendly to any search engine.