Genio is a single page resume & personal portfolio theme. It is suitable for designers, developers & freelancers. Genio has a super clean, minimal & professional looking that anyone seeking for simplicity needs.
- Premium Bootstrap Theme 8$
- Powerful & Super Lightweight.
- Easy Installation & Setup.
- 1-Click Demo Import.
- 6 Different Skins.
- 4 Different Home Layouts.
- Home Builder.
- Real-time WP Customizer.
- Filterable Portfolio.
- Contact and Hire Form.
- Custom Post Types.
- Google Fonts.
- Social Icon Links.
- Custom Header Backgrounds For 404, Blog, Search, Archive, Posts, and Pages.
- Fully Responsive.
- Custom Sidebar.
- Widgets Ready.
- Twitter Widget.
- Author Box Widget.
- Localization Ready.
- SEO Friendly.
- Child Theme Support.
- Extensive Documentation.
- Free Updates and Support.
- And Much More!
Note: Theme doesn’t support dropdown menus.
Images – Not Included- Baptiste CAYOL
- MagnetWeb
- TM
- Michelle Venetucci
- Braden Mackey
- Fuya
- Pavel Tiunov
- Andrew Colin
- Photodune
- jQuery
- Modernizr
- Magnific Popup
- PageScroll2id
- Quovolver
- Shuffle
- Sticky Kit
- CountTo
- Inview
- FitVids
- ResponsiveSlides
- Smoothwheel
- FastClick
- Stellar
Version 1.1------------> Fixed a bug in resume section.Version 1.0------------> Initial Release.
Customer satisfaction is our top priority, don’t hesitate to contact us if you need any assistance. Just email us via our profile page and we will try to reply within 24 hour.