Diplomat Responsive Political Wordpress Theme is best to be used for both political candidate and political party websites with integrated Event plugin and Donation form. This is great-looking theme which was professionally developed with passion by our developers team. The theme is suitable to a political campaign and to any nonprofit organisation. It also equipped with the all required tools to help you building really great website and as a result it will involve more visitors and client to your company.
Video Tutorials
To make everything clear for you we provide with detailed documentation and video instructions which are so easy to follow and figure out, you will see how easy is to work with Diplomat.
Attention! No longer need to export/import .xml files, no more trivial round to install demo content, no more mess and fails. The fat feature of Diplomat is one-click-demo-install. If you like this theme a lot, if it totally fits your corporate design, sure you need to structure your own website layout and content exactly as demo version shows. One click – full website content: pages, posts, shortcode elements, slider.
*all images are watermarked
We do care about our customers and always ready to help resolve any issues. Feel free to contact us any time you need help with our products. Please be aware we have help section with tutorials and FAQs. Please take a moment and check our support forum where you can also open new topic, or submit a ticket in our support ticket system for our support team and they will reply shortly.
Short Theme Features:
- Latest WordPress version ready
- Extended Theme Options Panel
- LayerSlider Plugin is included (You save $17)
- Arqam Social Counter Plugin is included (You save $15)
- 4 Preinstalled Different home page layouts
- 4 Different Gallery/Albums Page Layouts
- Theme Includes Event Plugin
- Over 20 visual shortcodes
- 5 Post types for blog (Default, Video, Audio, Quote, Gallery)
- 5 Different News Post Layouts
- Custom Page Options per page individually
- 15 Custom Widgets (Accordion, Contact Form, Contact Us, Events Calendar, Facebook Like Box, Featured Event, Flickr Feed, Google Map, Latest Tweets, Mail Subscription, Metro Style, Popular/Latest Posts, Social Links, Soonest Event, Video)
- Many Styling Options via ThemeOptions panel
- Unlimited Slider Groups
- Unlimited Sidebars
- SEO Tools module inside
- Google fonts api (570+ font families)
- Amazing CSS3 Effects
- Foundation CSS framework usage
- Advanced Search
- CSS Improved and touch enabled Multilevel Drop-down Mega Menu
- Crossbrowser Compatibility IE 9+, FF 3+, Opera, Chrome, Safari (Notice: Use IE 10 browser from IE browsers family to get the fullyfunctional css effects
- 6 Blog Listing Alternate Pages
- Unlimited Sortable(optionally) Gallery Pages/Groups
- Responsive + Flexible Layout
- Contact Form Constructor
- Layout Constructor (test editor inside with full shortcode list)
- 16 Layered PSD’s are included for easy modification and customisation
- Localization Ready! (.po file)
- WPML Support
- Amazing One Click Demo Install (you get full copy of demo just in 5 minutes!)
- Extended Video Documentation Included
- High level Priority Support on our forum and Through Ticket System
Check it right now from your mobile device!
INITIAL RELEASE 1.0 (April 02, 2015)* Theme Released.
RELEASE 1.0.1 (April 29, 2015)* added bbPress Forums support* added RTL support* added testimonials widget* added alternate layout for blog single page* added one more blog view* added advanced search to navigation bar* added subscription shortcode* updated subscription widget (added zip field)* fix Featured Event Widget issue* tgm plugin update* massonry script update* fix video on mobiles* fix social buttons in top bar* metro style widget quick update* recent posts widget update (added video support)
RELEASE 1.0.2 (June 19, 2015)* one click install (Update for really easy installation)* improved theme performance* quick fix for social share* added "Our Team" post type* quick fix for Seamless Donations plugin update* minor issue fixes
RELEASE 1.0.3 (August 25, 2015)* compatibility with WP 4.3 adjusting* Update all required plugins up to their latest versions* Added Child Theme* Minor fixes due to customer requests
RELEASE 1.0.4 (September 22, 2015)* Minor updates and fixes based on customer requests
RELEASE 1.0.5 (October 22, 2015)* Dribble icon fix* Pagination fix* Added configuration for date formatting* Added option for gallery to disable single pages* Fixed non-translated strings* Minor updates based on customer's requests
RELEASE 1.0.6 (November 21, 2015)* updated: SSL certificate compatibility* updated: Compatibility with latest required plugins* added: Gravity form plugin compatibility* fixed: Search issue* fixed: Minor fixes based on customer requests
RELEASE 1.0.7 (December 08, 2015)* updated: WP 4.4 compatibility update* fixed: Minor fixes based on customer requests
RELEASE 1.0.8 (January 20, 2016)* added: New styling options* added: ThemeMakers Editor widget* added: Option to alter the header type(default/alternate) on default pages (categories, archived, etc)* added: Theme color skins* added: Skin composer functionality* updated: Add html support for accordion widget* updated: Limited permissions to access Theme Options* updated: Make all theme notices dismissible* fixed: Gallery items overlapping mega menu issue
RELEASE 1.0.9 (February 12, 2016)* updated: LayerSlider to the latest version 5.6.2* updated: Theme Performance Optimisation
RELEASE 1.0.10 (March 11, 2016)* updated: twitterFetcher plugin
RELEASE 1.0.11 (April 24, 2016)* updated: WordPress 4.5 compatibility* updated: LayerSlider to the latest version 5.6.6* fixed: WPML issue with the custom sidebars* added: possibility to set fullwidth slider