Medical-Link - Responsive Medical WordPress Theme

Medical-Link - Responsive Medical WordPress Theme

Medical-Link is a premium medical WordPress theme designed for medical professionals, practitioners, doctors, nurses, clinics, hospitals and anyone associated with the healthcare industry.

Medical-Link WordPress offers the latest in web standard trends and comes packaged with great features such a custom slider system, request appointment form, twitter feed, powerful infographics, Woocommerce and WPML support and a whole lot more.

Medical-Link WordPress also comes equipped with powerful custom post types including a Gallery system and a Knowledge base Glossary system.

Updates :

- Primary Color now gets applied correctly to contact form fields and message- New Pulse Slider customizer option added to disable bullet thumbnails on mouse hover- Breadcrumb system bug fixed- Staff profile single post layout has been restructured- Updated translation catalogue- Update child theme
- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.11- Updated Woocommerce template files- Updated Twitter fetch plugin- Re-captcha removed from contact form - Google API credentials removed from theme customizer- New customizer option added to disable the Sub-Header area globally (under Appearance -> Customize Medical-Link -> Header Options)- Updated child theme
- Woocommerce template files updated- Display Post Icon option now applies correctly to single post page- New "Service Post Icon Image" option added under customizer custom post type options- New "Service Post Icon" option added under customizer custom post type options- New "Display Service Post Icon" option added under customizer custom post type options- Updated translation file- Updated child theme
- Woocommerce product item "Select Options" button now links to product description page- Woocommerce product item "Read More" button now links to product description page- Woocommerce product item thumbnail image now links to product description page
- Woocommerce Ajax add to cart feature fixed- Overlapping breadcrumbs fixed for webkit based browsers- servicesPosts shortcode now displays all services (num_of_posts parameter removed)- Pulse slider action btn now remains hidden if URL field is empty- is_shop error in functions.php file fixed- Updated translation files- Update child theme
- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.10- Woocommerce template files updated- New parameters added to accordionGroup shortcode to enable/disable expand options-New "Multi-expand" customizer option added under "Shortcode Options" - this applies to the accordion system to allow multiple accordions items to be open- New staffPosts shortcode added (can be used to create multiple staff pages displaying different staff members)- New servicesPosts shortcode added (can be used to display services in a carousel fashion on the homepage or any page desired)- New field added under "Staff -> Staff Settings" to allow changing the text of the "View Profile" button for staff posts- Woocommerce shop page now supports a sidebar (layout settings can be found under "Woocommerce Options" in the customizer area)- New Woocommerce widget area added- New customizer option added under "Woocommerce Options" to control the amount of products per row- New Redux field added under "Footer Options" for custom copyright info (supports HTML characters)- Favicon field has been removed (please use the favicon field provided by the theme customizer)- Woocommerce posts now has a fixed height applied to prevent products within rows from shifting around- Copyright info now displays the current year instead of date of publication- Updated Staff Members post type plugin- Updated translation file- Updated child theme
- Customizer error fixed- All forms are now 100% translatable- Updated translation file- Updated child theme- Custom post type plugins updated
- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.9.1- Redux Framework updated to version Search feature now includes pages in the results- Security features implemented to the core files- Updated child theme- Updated demo files
- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.9- Updated Woocommerce template files- Action button in pulse slider now appears when no titles and text are present- Security image removed from contact form and replaced with Google re-captcha module- New "Google Options" tab added to the theme customizer for re-captcha API keys- Primary and Secondary colors now get applied to panels carousel- New "Show All" option added to gallery and staff post types under the theme customizer area- Updated child theme- Minor bugs fixed
- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.8- Custom post type plugins updated with a new settings page allowing the slug name to be changed- Updated wpml-config.xml file- Updated child theme- minor bugs fixed
- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.7.4- New parameters added to pricingTable shortcode (button_color, text_color, header_color)- New radio option added to disable the Post Icon under the theme customizer- Dropmenu / Micronav icon now remains inactive if emtpy value is supplied- wpml-config.xml file now included in the root folder- Updated child theme
- Pulse Slider height issue addressed for Chrome with "Fixed Height" mode set to OFF- Previous page button on paging system fixed- postItems shortcode now displays comment count on posts- Multiple Data Table items on single page issue fixed - dataTableGroup shortcode now requires a unique ID for each data table created
- Visual Composer pages added for Homepage, Contact Us, General Questions and Clinic information pages- Visual Composer plugin updated- Templatera template file added to setup_files folder (requires Templatera plugin)- New parameter added to contactForm shortcode to disable the captcha- Business phone number in header area is now linked for easy mobile access- Pricing Table shortcode purchase button now remains hidden if button_text parameter is left empty- Gettext wrappers added to staff and gallery post meta fields- Updated child theme
- Redux framework updated to version 3.5.7- Theme customizer conflict with Redux resolved- PHP security issues addressed- Widget constructor updated for WordPress 4.3- Twitter Widget is now powered by Twitter Posts Fetcher (Twitter Widget ID is now required to fetch Tweets)- Page Header message font bug fixed- New color option added to change the background color of the Tabs shortcode (Appearance -> Customize Medical-Link -> Shortcode Options)- New color option added to change the background color of the boxed mode container (Appearance -> Customize Medical-Link -> Global Options)- Post tags overlapping Like button fixed- Updated child theme
- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.4.0- Knowledge base Ajax search now searches through both post content and titles- New "Sub-Header" Height option added under Header Options in the theme customizer- New "Copyright Background Color" option under Footer Options in the theme customizer- Return messages on all forms are now translatable- Updated .po file- Updated child theme
- Sidebar support added to single knowledge base posts- Knowledge base search field is now powered with Ajax results- tag and category parameters have been added to postItems shortcode (you can now display posts based on either tags, categories or all)- Footer copyright area bug fixed- Several missing translations added- Breadcrumb system now displays parent pages- Category now displays on single news post- Premium Knowledge Base plugin updated to version 1.1- Updated .po file- Updated child theme
- Meanmenu hover issue fixed- New option added to position the appointment form under the slider area on the homepage (under the "Pulse Slider" tab in the theme customizer)- Sidebar support added to the Knowledge base template page- Copyright info in the footer now displays independently underneath the logo and footer navigation area- Missing translations added (default search field text)- New option added to disable retina support (under the "Global Options" tab in the theme customizer)- New option added to display gallery posts all with the same height (under the "Custom Post Type Options" tab in the theme customizer)- Spacing issue fixed on unordered lists- Updated .po file- Updated Redux framework to version Updated child theme- Visual composer 4.5.3 now bundled
- PrettyPhoto XSS Fix
- Primary color now applies correctly to default post icon- Data table title / info colors now apply correctly- A few missing translations have been added- Updated .po file- New Time Table Accordion shortcode added- New Time Table Accordion color options added under theme customizer- Bundled customizer export/import plugin updated to latest version- Updated documentation- Updated theme customizer settings file- Minor layout bugs corrected
- Read More button on Woocommerce products now displays correctly- New Post Option added to disable Author profile box on news posts (under theme customizer)- New Post Option added to disable Share features on new posts (under theme customizer)- Services post type featured image bug has been fixed (Services plugin updated to version 1.1)- Updated theme customizer settings data file- Updated medical-link-services-posts.2015-04-29.xml file- Updated localization file- Updated child theme
- Slideshow slider option added for postItems shortcode (under Theme customizer section)- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.3.8- Post images have been restructured to scale with correct aspect ratio across all devices- New Pulse Slider option added to enable or disable fixed height- Localization bug fixed- Tab group shortcode bug fixed- New theme customizer export/import plugin now bundled- New theme customizer settings file now bundled- Child theme now bundled- Redux Framework updated to version 3.5.4- Updated documentation

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