Introducing Natural Shop
Natural Shop is a WordPress/WooCommerce theme intended for stores selling thrifty, organic, natural, spa & beauty related products.
Main Features
- WooCommerce ready: just download the plugin and install
- Unlimited colour schemes: key colours and images are easily editable in the theme options, no coding required
- Fully responsive: compatible with iPad, iPhone etc
- Retina Ready: High resolution icons included
- Import Data Included: Create core pages quickly
- Easy to configure pages: Replicate the pages shown in the demo in just a few clicks
- Google font integration: easily use any Google font, adding it in the theme options takes a matter of seconds, pick a font to use now
- Google Maps, Instagram, Twitter fully integrated: both have their own widget/shortcode for easy integration
- Translation Ready: .mo/.po files are included
- 14 PSDs included: fully layered, containing the entire page not just certain elements
- Fully documented: Extensive documentation included
Natural Shop uses the free WooCommerce plugin for all its eCommerce functionality.
- Multiple images for products
- Product detail page displays related products
- A variety of payment options are included: Paypal, Direct bank transfer, Cheque payment, Cash on delivery and Credit Card + many more are available as extensions. If you’re unsure if a certain payment method is compatible feel free to ask in the comments section
- User login and order tracking
- Built in product user review system with star ratings
- Various shipping options available and custom coupon codes
Theme Options
Natural Shop comes with a bunch of really handy theme options so that you can configure your website with minimum effort and time. The options panel is completely unbranded allowing you to easily add your company name to it.
Top quality support comes as a standard feature when you purchase one of my items. I aim to respond to any support requests in less than 24 hours (usually a lot less) on business days – Mon – Fri. I understand not everyone is a code ninja and provide patient support for people with less knowledge of the web
= V1.0 - 15.04.2015 =* Initial release= V1.1 - 15.04.2015 =* Improved Documentation* Fixed homepage shortcode bug= V1.1.1 - 16.04.2015 =* Fixed custom Google font bug= V1.1.2 - 23.04.2015 =* Updated to maintain compatibility with WooCommerce naturalshop/woocommerce/cart/cart.php= V1.1.3 - 27.04.2015 =* Fixed translation bug naturalshop/woocommerce/cart.php naturalshop/languages/ naturalshop/languages/en_US.po* Fixed Chrome radio select bug naturalshop/style.css* Fixed page title on Blog pages naturalshop/page-templates/template-blog-full.php naturalshop/page-templates/template-blog-left.php naturalshop/page-templates/template-blog-right.php naturalshop/page-templates/template-blog.php* Added theme option to change newsletter sign up form text on homepage naturalshop/page-templates/template-homepage-1.php naturalshop/admin/functions/functions.options.php= V1.2 - 29.04.2015 =* Fixed sidebar bug naturalshop/page-templates/template-blog-right.php naturalshop/page-templates/template-blog-left.php naturalshop/page-templates/template-right-sidebar.php naturalshop/page-templates/template-left-sidebar.php naturalshop/page-templates/template-testimonials-right.php naturalshop/page-templates/template-testimonials-left.php= V1.2.1 - 30.04.2015 =* Fixed logo/slider responsive bug naturalshop/style.css naturalshop/css/responsive.css* Fixed product variation featured image bug naturalshop/woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php naturalshop/functions.php= V1.2.2 - 01.05.2015 =* Fixed warning when no slides added naturalshop/page-templates/homepage-template-1.php naturalshop/page-templates/homepage-template-2.php naturalshop/page-templates/homepage-template-3.php naturalshop/style.css* Fixed error when WooCommerce not activated naturalshop/functions.php naturalshop/header.php* Added slideshow autoplay theme option naturalshop/js/scripts.js naturalshop/functions.php naturalshop/admin/functions.functions.options.php* Enabled newsletter placeholder text naturalshop/style.css= V1.2.3 - 06.05.2015 =* Fixed 3rd party payment gateway conflict naturalshop/woocommerce/checkout/review-order.php naturalshop/style.css= V1.2.4 - 10.05.2015 =* Fixed checkout coupon AJAX bug naturalshop/woocommerce/checkout/review-order.php* Fixed product single additional information formatting bug naturalshop/style.css= V1.2.5 - 14.05.2015 =* Fixed form placeholder line height bug naturalshop/style.css= V1.2.6 - 16.05.2015 =* Fixed homepage shortcode bug naturalshop/page-templates/template-homepage-2.php= V1.2.7 - 18.05.2015 =* Fixed pagination bug naturalshop/includes/pagination.php* Fixed Flexslider bug qns-shortcodes-post-types/assets/js/jquery.flexslider-min.js= V1.2.8 - 03.06.2015 =* Updated to maintain WooCommerce compatibility naturalshop/woocommerce/myaccount/my-orders.php naturalshop/woocommerce/order/order-details.php naturalshop/style.css= V1.2.9 - 17.06.2015 =* Improved payment formatting naturalshop/woocommerce/myaccount/my-orders.php naturalshop/woocommerce/checkout/form-pay.php naturalshop/functions.php naturalshop/style.css= V1.2.10 - 24.06.2015 =* Added fix for PrettyPhoto vulnerability qns-shortcodes-post-types/assets/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js= V1.2.11 - 08.08.2015 =* Fixed plural translation bug naturalshop/header.php= V1.3 - 11.08.2015 =* Updated to maintain WooCommerce compatibility naturalshop/woocommerce naturalshop/style.css= V1.3.1 - 20.08.2015 =* Added option to set number of testimonials on homepage naturalshop/admin/functions/functions.options.php qns-shortcodes-post-types/includes/shortcodes/home-testimonials.php= V1.3.2 - 22.09.2015 =* Updated to maintain WooCommerce compatibility naturalshop/woocommerce naturalshop/style.css= V1.3.3 - 10.11.2015 =* Updated to maintain WooCommerce compatibility naturalshop/woocommerce naturalshop/style.css= V1.3.4 - 19.01.2016 =* Updated to maintain WooCommerce compatibility naturalshop/woocommerce naturalshop/style.css= V1.3.5 - 27.01.2016 =* Updated to maintain WooCommerce compatibility naturalshop/woocommerce naturalshop/style.css= V1.3.6 - 30.01.2016 =* Updated to maintain WooCommerce compatibility naturalshop/woocommerce naturalshop/style.css= V1.4 - 07.02.2016 =* Updated to maintain WooCommerce compatibility naturalshop/woocommerce naturalshop/style.css* Switched theme options framework due to old one discontinuing development* WARNING please manually backup your theme options before updating as the new theme options will not be compatible with the old ones naturalshop/admin naturalshop/= V1.4.1 - 11.02.2016 =* Fixed theme options bug naturalshop/admin/admin-config.php naturalshop/functions.php naturalshop/style.css= V1.4.2 - 26.02.2016 =* Fixed theme options bug naturalshop/admin/admin-config.php naturalshop/functions.php naturalshop/style.css= V1.4.3 - 13.03.2016 =* Fixed add to cart bug naturalshop/woocommerce naturalshop/style.css= V1.4.4 - 31.03.2016 =* Updated to maintain WooCommerce compatibility naturalshop/woocommerce naturalshop/style.css= V1.4.5 - 28.04.2016 =* Fixed minor checkout counter bug naturalshop/header.php naturalshop/style.css