Startup Idea - Crowdfunding WordPress Theme

Startup Idea - Crowdfunding WordPress Theme

Startup Idea is a Wordpress theme package which can help you to inform global community about your startup business, where you can show amazing product(s), concepts or services. It can help designers, developers and companies create website for their startup(s) quickly and easily. Perfect for single-product site and flexible enough to handle your entire catalogue.

Startup Idea has been designed to help you build a great looking website which can promote a single crowdfunding campaign. It has a great look and feel that will ensure your project gets the presentation it deserves.

How it works


Key Features


Our Latest Sports Wordpress Theme

soccer sport team clubs wordpress theme

Vocal Responsive Events Music  WordPress Theme

Change Logs

Version 2.4 – 19 May 16

+ PHP 7 compatibility added^ Update Group Meta Box Plugin+ Revolution slider updated^ RW_Meta_Box fixed^ Upload image issue fixed

Version 2.3 – 16 April 16

+ WordPress 4.5 compatibility added^ Metabox bug fixed+ Visual Composer Updated+ Revolution slider updated

Version 2.2 – 28 MArch 16

+ One Click Demo Installer ( Hot )^ Ratting Bug Fixed^ Related Project Bug Fixed^ Progressbar Bug Fixed^ Bootstrap Menu Problem Fixed^ Form Category Bug Fixed

Version 2.1 – 25 January 16

^ Stripe issue fixed^ Visual Composer^ Update Revolution slider

Version 2.0 – 05 January 16

+ Adaptive Payment Add+ Reward Link to Donate Page+ Add Some Extra Settings^ Dashboard Update^ Order Bug Fixed^ Visual Composer^ Update Revolution slider

Version 1.8 – 19 December 15

^ Dashboard improved ^ Fixed all known bugs^ Improved submit form^ Update donates page^ Update profile page^ update my account page^ Fixed Repeat transaction bugs^ Updated demo content^ update visual composer plugins^ update revolution slider plugins

Version 1.7 – October 9, 15

+ Updated Visual Composer added

Version 1.6 – October 7, 15

+ Updated Visual Composer added - Stipe payment bug fixed

Version 1.5 – August 23, 15

+ WordPress 4.3 verssion compatibility added

Version 1.4 – 8 August, 15

+ Stripe payment added+ category list shortcode added+ project list based on category shortcode added+ Improved mobile/tab responsive layout+ Fixed minor css bug+ new design for payment page

Version 1.3 – 9 July, 15

+ Reward System+ Add Meta Box Group Plugin^ Updated Visual Composer^ Updated Metabox io

Version 1.2 – 30 June, 15

^ Multilingual support improved- Language bug fixed.^ Updated Visual Composer- prettyPhoto XSS security bug fixed

Version 1.1 – May 28, 2015

^ themes\startupidea\page-my-account.php- Fixed all known bugs