Transport - WP Transportation & Logistic Theme

Transport - WP Transportation & Logistic Theme

Transport theme is an Wordpress business theme. Perfectly suited for your Transportation & Logistic company. If you are using Trucks, Plains, Ship’s or and other business means this is the right theme for you! With Visual composer, revolution slider, woocommerce support, multi-language ready and advanced admin panel it can be used for any kind of business but and with excellent support you cannot go wrong. Building your themes will be a breeze, give it a go!


  • Visual Composer
  • Revolution slider
  • Unlimited sidebars
  • Unlimited colors
  • Easy one click update
  • WooCommerce support
  • Advanced admin panel
  • Contact Form 7
  • WPML compatible
  • Codestyle localization compatible
  • Wide and Boxed version
  • 4 predefined color chemese
  • 100% Responsive
  • Font awesome icons integrated
  • Extended documentation
  • 3 blog types
  • And much more!


Update: 15.04.2016 – v2.1.2

Changes:- fixed: Javascript issue (caused by the WordPress 4.5 update)- fixed: issue with Visual Composer parallax- updated: FontAwesomeChanged files:404.phpfunctions.phpstyle.cssanps-framework/helpers.phpanps-framework/js/wp_backend.jscss/core.cssjs/functions.js
Update: 07.04.2016 – v2.1.1

Changes:- added: image option for the icon elementChange files:- style.css- functions.php- css/core.css- anps-framework/shortcodes.php- anps-framework/vc_shortcodes_map.php
Update: 29.03.2016 – v2.1.0

- compatibility: for Visual Composer 4.11- updated: Revolution Slider
Update: 10.02.2016 – v2.0.9

Changes:- compatibility: WooCommerce 2.5.2- fixed: issue with select2.js- fixed: store heading background issueFiles:- woocommerce/content-product_cat.php- woocommerce/myaccount/form-edit-account.php- anps-framework/helpers.php- anps-framework/js/wp_backend.js- anps-framework/css/wp-backend.css- functions.php- style.css
Update: 22.01.2016 – v2.0.8

Changes:- fixed: WooCommerce category view layout issueFiles:- woocommerce/content-product_cat.php- woocommerce/archive-product.php- style.css - css/core.css
Update: 20.01.2016 – v2.0.7

Changes:- compatibility: theme is now compatible with WooCommerce 2.5Files changes:- woocommerce/cart/cart-shipping.php- woocommerce/content-product.php- functions.php- style.css- css/core.css- woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php- woocommerce/cart/add-to-cart.php- woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php- woocommerce/myaccount/my-orders.php (removed)- woocommerce/single-product/review.php- woocommerce/content-widget-product.php- woocommerce/checkout/form-billing.php
Update: 18.12.2015 – v2.0.6

Changes:- fixed: comment issue with WordPress 4.4- fixed: issue with Isotope filtering- fixed: portfolio images issuesFiles:- style.css- functions.php- style/functions.js- anps-framework/shortcodes.php
Update: 15.12.2015 – v2.0.5

Changes:- compatibility: with WordPress 4.4- compatibility: with Visual Composer 4.9- fixed: sidebar isssueFiles:- style.css- functions.php- js/functions.js- anps-framework/helpers.php- anps-framework/sidebar_generator.php- anps-framework/shortcodes.php- anps-framework/vc_shortcodes_map.php
Update 04.12.2015 – v 2.0.4

- fixed: Revolution Slider spacing issue- fixed: PrettyPhoto lightbox issue- fixed: 404 container issueFiles:js/functions.jsfunctions.phpstyle.css404.php
Update 13.10.2015 – v 2.0.3

- fixed: Google Maps Javascript issueFiles:M js/functions.jsM functions.phpA js/maps.jsM style.css
Update 08.10.2015 – v 2.0.2

- fixed: Google Maps issue- fixed: small styling issuesFiles:M style.cssM js/functions.jsM css/core.css
Update 29.9.2015 – v 2.0.1

- improved: attachment.php styling - fixed: logos/clients element styling issue - fixed: social icons widget issues - fixed: sticky menu mobile issue - fixed: single blog sidebar issue - updated: translation file - added: option to input coordinate instead of address for Google Maps FilesFiles:M js/theme.js M css/core.css M style.css M content-single-blog.php R languges/embedchess-xx_XX.pot R languges/ R languges/en_US.po M: js/functions.js M: anps-framework/js/wp_backend.js M: anps-framework/widgets/AnpsSocial.php M: anps-framework/widgets/AnpsDownload.php M: anps-framework/widgets/AnpsText.php M: anps-framework/vc_shortcodes_map.php M: anps-framework/shortcodes.php M: anps-framework/helpers.php M: attachment.php
Update: 16.9.2015 – v2.0.0

- added: editor to custom CSS - added: Page Sidebars and Post Sidebars options - fixed: minor bugs - fixed: Google Maps issue - optimized: changed the custom CSS loading Modified filesM single.php M functions.php M templates/template-legacy-page.php M templates/template-page.php M js/functions.js M anps-framework/helpers.php M anps-framework/sidebar_generator.php M anps-framework/options_page_view.php M anps-framework/custom_css_view.php A anps-framework/js/mode-css.js A anps-framework/js/worker-css.js R inludes/custom-button-styles.php R includes/custom-styles.php
Update: 1.9.2015 – v1.1.3

- Added support for visual composer version 4.7- Fixed WooCommerce bugModified filesM style.cssM anps-framework/js/select2.min.jsM anps-framework/js/wp_backend.jsM anps-framework/css/wp-backend.cssM anps-framework/widgets/
Update: 20.8.2015 – v1.1.2

- Small wordpress 4.3 compatibility bug fix - improved fontawesome select Modified files M style.css M anps-framework/widgets/AnpsRecentProjects.php M anps-framework/js/wp_backend.js
Update: 18.8.2015 – v1.1.1

- Woocommerce tabs redesigned - Visual composer fix - logos shortcode fixed- improved font awesome widget select - logo upload fixed - woocommerce update filesModified files M style.cssM css/core.css M /includes/custom-styles.php M /anps-framework/vc_shortcodes_map.php D /woocommerce/single-product/tabs/M functions.php M /anps-framework/widgets/AnpsText.php M /anps-framework/widgets/AnpsDownload.php M /anps-framework/widgets/AnpsSocial.php M /anps-framework/css/admin-style.css M /anps-framework/css/wp-backend.css M /anps-framework/js/wp-backend.js A /anps-framework/js/select2.min.js M /includes/custom-styles.php M /includes/custom-button-styles.phpM /woocommerce/content-product.phpD /woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/variable.php
Update: 16.7.2015 – v1.1.0

Existing customers, please read: This is a major update, upgrading the theme might result in different display of your content. We improved the way the theme displays Visual Composer’s content. So the theme got faster and better. However we couldn’t do this without modifying the way it is rendered. In practice this means, that if you want to get the most out of our theme, you will need to adjust visual composer rows and paddings. For everyone who isn’t willing to go through this, we added the “LEGACY MODE” option at the bottom of “Theme options” -> “Page setup” settings. By check marking it, the old system will be turned on and no row adjustments will be necessary. Before upgrading we suggest creating a backup, just in case. Change log: Improved theme structureImproved performance and loading speed updated: bootstrap versionupdated: font-awesome iconsupdated: 100% latest Visual Composer supportadded: new tabs shortcodeadded: new accordion shortcodeadded: gallery shortcodeadded: carousel images shortcodeadded: Google fonts subsets (latin extended, cyrillic,...)Files:M: page.phpM: footer.phpM: functions.phpM: header.phpM: /anps-framework/widgets/AnpsDownload.phpM: /anps-framework/shortcodes.phpM: /anps-framework/vc_shortcodes_map.phpM  /anps-framework/option_page_setup_view.phpM: /anps-framework/classes/Options.phpM: /anps-framework/widgets/AnpsText.phpM: /anps-framework/widgets/AnpsSocial.phpM: /anps-framework/classes/Framework.phpM: /anps-framework/style_view.phpM: /anps-framework/classes/adminBar.phpM: /includes/custom-styles.phpA: /anps-framework/classes/gfonts_ajax.phpA: /vc_templates/vc_tta_global.phpA: /templatesM: /css/core.cssM: /css/transport.cssM: /css/rtl.cssM: /css/wordpress.cssM: /anps-framework/css/admin-style.cssM: /js/functions.jsA: js/bootstrap/A: js/owl/A: /anps-framework/js/font_subsets.js
Update: 16.6.2015 – v1.0.4

- Updated prettyPhoto to version 3.1.6Modified files M style.css M js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js
Update: 22.5.2015 – v1.0.3

- updated woocommerce fileModified files M style.css M woocommerce/myaccount/my-orders.php
Update: 22.5.2015 – v1.0.3

- improved native wordpress gallery (lightbox) - visual composer update - fixed accordion/toggle VC shortcode - added isotope url hash (can link to filter) - added additional header option (above nav-bar widgets)Modified files M style.css M css/core.css M js/functions.js M functions.php M anps-framework/helpers.php M anps-framework/vc_shortcodes_map.php M anps-framework/options_page_setup_view.php M anps-framework/shortcodes.php M anps-framework/widgets/widgets.php M anps-framework/classes/Options.php
Update: 29.4.2015 – v1.0.2

Fixed: Removed bug that prevents theme installation on some server setups, caused by TGM class. Modified files M - style.css - /anps-framework/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php
Update: 22.4.2015 – v1.0.1

- updated woocommerce files - imrpoved visual composer functionality - fixed page heading on pages - added esc_url to add_query_var and remove_query_var - updated tgm class Modified files M style.css M functions.php M anps-framework/helpers.php M anps-framework/shortcodes.php M anps-framework/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php M woocommerce/cart/cart.php M includes/pagination.php

1.0.0 – initial release


Images used in this theme are not included!
  1. Shuterstock
  2. Depositphotos
  3. Photodune
  4. jQuery
  5. gmap3
  6. Isotope
  7. Bootstrap
  8. Sass
  9. jQuery Parallax

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