Appica 2 - WordPress App Showcase Theme

Appica 2 - WordPress App Showcase Theme

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Appica 2Appica 2


Appica 2

Appica 2Appica 2Appica 2Appica 2


Appica 2

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Appica 2

Appica 2

Appica 2

Appica 2

Appica 2

Appica 2

Present your app professionally with new Appica 2 Wordpress Theme. It is much appler and much droider than ever before. With this theme we tried to bring to the web beautiful iOS8 style and gorgeous material design. But Appica is not just landing page it is full featured Wordpress theme which comes with Visual Composer and lots of shortcodes.

Appica 2 – highly technological product which includes all plugins you need to work efficiently and smoothly.

Appica 2Visual Composer (Save 33$) – unlimited possibilities for assembling pages and layout construction using advanced custom shortcodes. No coding skills required.

Appica 2Revolution Slider (Save 18$) – powerful, tested by thouthands of users slider with unlimited possibilities. Theme comes with latest version. Create and impress!

Appica 2Contact Form 7 – easily receive emails from your site visitors. This plugin features captcha and spam filters. The best solution for either small contact forms or full-featured reservation modules.

Appica 2Redux Framework – the settings of some of the best themes on ThemeForest are based on this framework. It is convenient and intuitive. Redux allows you to customize the theme to your needs in minutes.

Appica 2We used Google Fonts for easy and flexible setup of the theme typography. Choose among 600+ free, open-source fonts optimized for the web.

Appica Features:

  • 2 Versions: iOS and Material Design
  • Visual Composer Page Builder Included (save $33)
  • 20 Shorcodes + Visual Composer Shortcodes
  • Stylish Animated Intro Section (can be switched off)
  • Mobile Like Off-Canvas Navigation
  • Interacions and Animations that mimic real OS behavior
  • Fully Responsive (based on Bootstrap 3 Grid)
  • User Friendly Options Panel
  • Layered PSD included
  • Detailed interactive documentation included
  • PHP 5.3+ required


Version 2.0.2, 16-04-2016 of App Theme

- added compatibility with WP 4.5- updated Visual Composer- fixed js errors- fixed Visual Composer mapping- minor bugfixing and improvements

Version 2.0.1, 23-02-2016 of App Theme

- added Appica App Store shortcode- added Appica Google Play shortcode- fixed App Store download url in Intro- fixed Appica Feature arrow issue- fixed import/export tab in theme options- fixed missing callback for flushing transients- fixed TGM styling- fixed anchored menu issue- fixed overlay issue in Appica Recent Posts widget- removed css animations

Version 2.0.0, 29-12-2015 of App Theme

- add new corporate landing page (ios)- add taxonomies to App Gallery, App Team, App Timeline and App Gadgets Slideshow post types- add Query Builders to Gadgets Slideshow, Timeline, Gallery, App Gallery and Team shortcodes for more flexibility- add Intro post type, prepare as many intros as you want. Multi languages suppor through plugins- two buttons on intro screen: app store and google play- add support for WordPress favicon- update Visual Composer to latest version- update Revolution Slider to the latest version- update the deprecated VC tabs and tours- update page settings meta box, now allows to enable Intro or Revolution slider on any page- fixed Flaticons in VC- fixed the Google Fonts- fixed Appica Feature shortcode- drop archive-appica_news.php in favor of shortcode - drop Team 2 (yeah!) now a single team with different tile templates you can choose in shortcode attributes- better code and file structure organization- numerous bug fixes and small improvements in App theme

Version 1.3.2, 06-10-2015 of App Theme

- fixed XSS security vulnerability in the Visual Composer- updated Visual Composer to version 4.7.4

Version 1.3.1, 16-06-2015 of App Theme

- fixed prettyPhoto XSS vulnerability- updated Visual Composer to version 4.5.3- updated App help file

Version 1.3.0, 15-06-2015 of App Theme

- added Portfolio- added Revolution Slider plugin- added Revolution Slider support in Intro Section- updated help file- updated demo files- updated Appica Core to version 1.3.0- updated smoothscroll.js plugin- fixed App shortcode "Appica Feature" - fixed sorting bug in "Appica Pricing Plans" App shortcode- fixed footer styles

Version 1.2.1, 05-06-2015 of App Theme

- fixed issue with Flaticons pack inside Visual Composer- updated help file

Version 1.2.0, 04-06-2015 of App Theme

- added color variations for iPhone and iPad in iOS version- added Appica MailChimp shortcode- added filters for feature icons- added target option for social links- updated Visual Composer to version 4.5.2- update Appica Core to version 1.2.0- updated help file- fixed bug with wrong path to localization files in Appica Core- fixed shortcode App @Gadgets Slideshow

Version 1.1.0, 15-05-2015 of App Theme

- Added unlimited time variations in App Pricing Plans- Updated Visual Composer to version 4.5.1- Updated Appica Core plugin to version 1.1.0- Updated CF7 form snippet in demo.xml/help- Updated App help file- Updated import files- Fixed anchored scrolling issue in android app version- Fixed text area issue in App contact/comment forms

Version 1.0.0, 06-05-2015 of App Theme

- Initial release: App Theme

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