OneUI is a super flexible UI framework based on Bootstrap and AngularJS that will enable you to build your backend and frontend pages using the same fast and powerful layout. It comes packed with 4 different versions, Get Started, HTML, PHP and AngularJS to help you rocket start your project the way you want. It is created to save you time and be as lightweight as possible. Completely modular with many unique features, it will help you build your next awesome product.
Testimonials from Customer Reviews

Testimonials from Customer Comments
“Hey pixelcave : what a nice one ! No doubt it???s the best admin template ! – So nice pack ! Really well coded !!”
“Great + fast template!! – I like your modular + clean approach!”
“Great, Nice work, I very like it.”
“Beautiful template! Looking very much forward to using it??|”
“Sweet! I already integrated this template into my workflow. I mistakenly bought one of the--before purchasing this one and immediately had to deal with 27 console errors. I loaded OneUI, and it was perfect, no console errors.I love the fact that most of the plugins and features are OPTIONAL. This is definitely a developer-friendly admin template. Thanks again. :-)”
“Simple, clean, elegant and perfect. Thank you for the time you spent on this! ;-)”
“I don???t even preview your templates. I just buy them instantly as I found it available. Awesome works. and they???re crafted with <3 I believe.”
“Great! Thank you so much, your theme were perfect to my project, easy to use and complete.”
“The documentation is very clear! I love the ???01 ??? OneUI Get Started?? set! It help me fit into my template engine quickly! Love the ???assets/js/core?? and ???assets/js/plugins?? separation! This, combined with the documentation, help me determine which js is essential for my app.”
“This theme is well done, clear and clean. Really amazing: if someone is thinking about it, buy it without any doubt.”
“I really love this Theme, you???ve done excellent work ! Thank you.”
“Congrats on the very awesome admin ui, clean and elegant you have here!”
“Hi Pixel, I???m actually working with your template (for some time now) and after hours and hours of searching through themeforest, it seems that yours is the best (at least for me). I???m very happy to work with it. This theme is clean, beautiful and simple to get started with.”
“Hello pixelcave, I am very impressed with your theme. I???ve purchased 6 or so, but yours is the first one that I find is truly functional cross-platform. Excellent job! Best wishes & keep up this quality >>> Wow!.”
“All this for 22$ ????!!!!!! I am blown away??| It could be 120$, and I would still feel the same. Amazing attention to detail and dedication. Thank you so much for this wonderful product.”
“Just bought this morning and i am so shock(read: happy) to see the package already included php files version whereby I straight away can use this package for my php development without converting all the files from html to php. Php ready makes me really happy with this purchase!:)”
“Really really awesome! Thank you very much!”
2.1 Update – May 19, 2016
- Block loading state now blocks interactivity with buttons/links
- jQuery (latest version)
- Font Awesome 4.6.3 30 new icons
- 20 plugins and libraries
- Various small fixes and optimizations
2.0 Update – March 11, 2016
1.4 Update – January 22, 2016
- Page Loader Feature
- SweetAlert Component
- jQuery AutoComplete Component
- Social Timeline Page
- e-Commerce – Dashboard Backend Page
- e-Commerce – Orders Backend Page
- e-Commerce – Order Backend Page
- e-Commerce – Products Backend Page
- e-Commerce – Product Edit Backend Page
- e-Commerce – Customer Backend Page
- e-Commerce – Home Frontend Page
- e-Commerce – Search Results Frontend Page
- e-Commerce – Products List Frontend Page
- e-Commerce – Product Frontend Page
- e-Commerce – Checkout Frontend Page
- Block styles (eg bordered) now don’t apply on children blocks
- Scroll blocking was added to chat popup
- Custom JS helpers added to Docs
- Bootstrap (latest version)
- jQuery (latest version)
- Font Awesome 4.5.0 20 new icons
- 20 Plugins Updated
- Various small fixes and optimizations
1.3 Update – November 17, 2015
- Form Validation – Select2 plugin + Currency format support
- Block API improvements for nested blocks
- Time format in Mask Inputs plugin
- Better Android support for frontend’s horizontal navigation
- Various small fixes and optimizations
1.2 Update – September 1, 2015
- PSD UI Kits (Backend & Frontend)
- RTL Pages (Get Started)
- Datetimepicker Component
- Input Sliders Component
- Input Maxlength Component
- Rating Component
- Tree View Component
- Vector Maps
- Login v2 Page
- Reminder v2 Page
- Register v2 Page
- Lock Screen v2 Page
- Maintenance Page
- Blog Classic Frontend Page
- Font Awesome 4.4.0 66 new icons
- 13 Plugins Updated
- Block options in tabs
- Block options with form Submit/Reset and regular buttons
- Block loading icon variations
- Plugin unminified files were added and are now available if needed for debugging
- Various small fixes
1.1 Update – July 25, 2015
- Horizontal header navigation
- Scrollable areas
- Forum Categories
- Forum Topics
- Forum Discussion
- Forum New Topic
- Blog List
- Blog Grid
- Blog Story
- Blog Story Cover
- Cookies option for color theme
- Bootstrap (latest version)
- Disabled states for CSS checkboxes and radios
- Various improvements and optimizations
- IE9 rendering issues
- Various small fixes
OneUI is the result of hundreds of hours of design and development. It was built from scratch, based on the valuable feedback received over the last few years. It follows the best practices and uses the latest technologies. It will enable you to build fast, beautiful, user friendly web applications and websites that will work seamlessly across various screens and devices. It will be a valuable tool that will help you create the product that will provoke the emotions and credibility you want for your business.
Key Features
One Powerful Layout
OneUI???s layout was built from the ground up to be flexible, lightweight and easy to use. It will enable you to build backend and frontend pages that look and work great.
Custom JS APIs
Manipulate blocks and layout any way you want.
Super-Fast UI
GPU powered sidebar animations and smart CSS styles will ensure a super-fast experience for your mobile and desktop users.
Built with LessCSS
OneUI CSS framework was built from scratch with LessCSS following a completely modular approach. It is easy to follow, customize and extend.
Grunt Tasks
Time-saving tasks that can live compile your LessCSS as you work and also build for you a custom, minimized and production ready OneUI framework.
HTML & PHP & AngularJS Versions
Choose the one that fits you best and get started building your product.
Get Started Version
A simple version with boilerplate pages is also included in the package. It will help you rocket start your project.
RTL Support
Boilerplate RTL pages are also included in ‘Get Started’ Version to help you start your RTL project faster.
PSDs UI Kits
2 high quality PSD UI Kits (Backend & Frontend) with various vital UI elements are also included in the package. They will be a valuable resource for creating your own OneUI mockups in Photoshop.
Clean Code
Code that is easy to read, follow and manipulate with many inline comments to help you along the way.
Ready Pages
Ready backend and frontend pages designed with attention to detail.
Carefully picked and integrated third-party JS components that will enrich your pages without bloating your workflow.
An extended documentation that will help you get familiar with OneUI and start building your project quickly.
Although OneUI is well commented & documented, you might need some further help, so feel free to contact me through my profile contact form. I will be more than happy to assist you as soon as possible!
- MyPhotoPack provides awesome free images. Thanks to its license, all the images are included with the template!
- provides avatars for demonstration purposes. Avatars are included only inthe live preview.
- generates random user names. The names used in the template are fictional andused for demonstration purposes.