Osiris is a minimal multi-purpose PSD template built using 1140 Bootstrap Grid System. It has a complete pages for blog, portfolio and even shop. Well-organised layered psd files, can be edit easily with proper label for each element. Consists of 4 home fullscreen styles, 4 blog pages styles, single post types and minimal shop pages.
- 01_Fullscreen_Home_Style_1.psd
- 02_Fullscreen_Home_Style_2.psd
- 03_Fullscreen_Home_Style_3.psd
- 04_Fullscreen_Home_Style_4.psd
- 05_Portfolio_Col3.psd
- 06_Portfolio_Grid.psd
- 07_Portfolio_Detail.psd
- 08_About.psd
- 09_About_Fullwidth.psd
- 10_Blog_Default.psd
- 11_Blog_Grid.psd
- 12_Blog_Grid_no_Sidebar.psd
- 13_Blog_Mixed.psd
- 14_Blog_Standard_Post.psd
- 15_Blog_SoundCloud_Post.psd
- 16_Blog_Video_Post.psd
- 17_Coming_Soon.psd
- 18_Error.psd
- 19_Contact.psd
- 20_Shop.psd
- 21_Product_Detail.psd
- 22_Shopping_Cart.psd
- 23_Menu_Dropdown.psd
Image used are totally free and its from awesome http://unsplash.com. Its a “Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos.” Images are included on the PSDs files..