- v1.02 will be release when finish review, email me if you need it now
ACRUX is the perfect template for your landing page, its VERY simple, flexible and creative.
awesome image / audio / video file not include
image / youtube video author page can be find at documentation credit section
audio author page at below credit section
video not play at old browser/mobile/table, will replace with background image, please try the demo with your mobile/table/browser
- Build with Bootstrap 3.3.5
- HTML5 valid clean code
- Fully responsive
- Cross browser support from IE9+
- Options js file
- Ion Icons
- Cloud Animation
- Star Animation
- Text Animation
- image background
- slideshow background
- slideshow kenburn background
- youtube video background
- html5 video background
- dark and light style
- Mailchimp or Save to File subscribe form
Awesome Audio
Audio file are not included at template file, you may visit the author page to purchase the item