HelpingHands - Charity/Fundraising WordPress Theme

HelpingHands - Charity/Fundraising WordPress Theme

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HelpingHands – Fundraising / Non-profit Organization Charity WordPress Theme

HelpingHands is a powerful responsive charity/donations/foundation/fundraising premium WordPress theme jam-packed with features.

HelpingHands theme is designed for charity, NGO, non-profit organization, donation, church or a fundraising website.

You can easily collect donations via PayPal or other payment processing gateways.

Like the demo page? We’ve developed a simple to use One Click Demo install. Choose the demo that you like, click on “Import Demo” and… that’s it!

We let our users to do the talking

The theme is very powerful yet easy to use and customize, whether you’re a WordPress pro or a beginner with no coding skills.

Ultra Responsive Charity will fit your large desktop screen, all the way down to your iPhone – and of course any Tablet or iPad.

SEO (search engine optimization): Charity is SEO optimized and it follows the latest trends and best practices in onsite optimization.

Charity comes with unlimited color styles, custom widgets, touch & swipe enabled, RevSlider (worth $16) and much more.

Extended Documentation – Charity is super easy to install and setup and comes with an extended documentation, ready to use page layouts and examples, HD video tutorials, 6 PSD designs and much more.

Continuous Updates – I put a lot of effort into providing top-notch customer support. Buy any theme now and enjoy premium support and updates.

Donations and Custom Pledges

HelpingHands integrates seamlessly with Easy Digital Downloads, which provides the Paypal payment gateway for free. Though, you can get many other payment gateways from the Easy Digital Downloads extensions page.

Testimonials From People who used my themes

This post is to praise the excellent customer service I have received from this developer.

He has helped me tremendously going forward with our project. I do not know much about design, but his template was simple and easy to customize. Additional questions were answered in 24 hours or less.

I cannot recommend better

Glaser Hitec Engineering
Guys, let me tell you that this is not only a great theme but the after-service is awesome. Absolutely awesome, I hope there will be more themes that I’ll be happy to buy
Absolutely amazing support for this theme! Customer service should be this good on all things bought.Very much appreciate your patience and VERY quick and thorough support in helping me with this theme. Will highly recommend this product.
I really must highly recommend this author and this theme to everyone. questions are answered really quickly and the theme is wicked. Thanks!
I have to agree with previous comments, support for this product is exceptional.
I am new to WordPress but I have to admit that the Shuffle theme is absolutely amazing. Although I’m still learning, it is very simple to figure out and it has amazing flexibility. It is the perfect content management system for me and I am so glad I found this theme before I spent hundreds of dollars on a custom website.

Even more impressive is the customer service. Cristian is a pleasure to work with and very prompt in handling customer service issues.

Two thumbs way up for the Shuffle theme and Cristian’s great customer service! I am a very satisfied customer and would not hesitate to purchase another theme.

Coach Michael Taylor
Just leaving a note to say that this is a fantastic theme. Also, the author gives fantastic support. I emailed a couple of questions and they were answered very quickly.

Thank you for your fine work!

I just bought your theme. Absolutely fantastic.Thank you kindly,Aychamo.


HelpingHands is ready for translation. It already has the ”.po” and ”.mo” files included and ready for translation in any language.

Buy HelpingHands Now!

HelpingHands will help you take your website to the next level. It is built with SEO, usability and overall user experience in mind. Although it’s a very powerful theme, it is unbelievable easy to use. Buy HelpingHands, Charity WordPress Theme now and enjoy the difference. Charity/Foundation/Donations/Activism Premium WordPress Theme

Versions Log

Latest update: v1.3.5 on 23 April 2016


- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version Improve: Changed header background call to array instead of string


- Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version 5.2.5- Update: Metabox to version 4.8.5- Update: Updated header background code to make it compatible with the latest version of the metabox (4.8.5)- Update: Updated video post format code to make it compatible with the latest version of the metabox (4.8.5)- Fix: Changed the option name of the theme options page to the correct name in the wpml-config file- Fix: Fixed Css rgba color saving problem in the theme options page- Improve: Added a limit of 1 image to upload for the header backgrounds


- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version 4.11.2- Fix: An error generated in the blog page for servers with php versions lower than 5.4


- New: Added option to choose how many donors are displayed on the campaign page- Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version Fix: Post formats in the blog shortcode


- Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version 5.2.3- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version 4.11.1- Update: Ultimate Visual Composer Addons to the latest version 3.16.1- Fix: change to correct theme version number


- New: Added option to create blog pages by category- New: Added custom message on donation checkout page- New: Added currency support for South Afriacan Rand- Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version 5.2.2- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version 4.11- Update: Ultimate Visual Composer Addons to the latest version Update: Metabox to version 4.8.3- Update: WooCommerce files to version 2.5.5- Update: Translation files- Fix: Campaign filtering issue for some languages (ie. Greek)- Fix: Newsletter section displaying issue- Fix: Some custom styling issues- Removed: CF Post Formats plugin and replaced its functionality with theme builtin functionality


- New: Added option to hide donors on campaign page- New: Added percentage loader for the demo importer- New: Added currency support for Nigerian Naira and Indonesian Rupiah- Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version 5.1.6- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version 4.9.2- Update: Ultimate Visual Composer Addons to the latest version 3.15.0- Update: SD Donation plugin to version 1.8.3- Update: translation files- Fix: campaign problem where the goal was reset to 0 after save- Fix: compatibility issues with Max Mega Menu 2.0- Fix: header style 3 problem- Fix: date translation in event widget- Fix: some Visual Composer deprecated functions- Fix: sd_products undefined index


- New: Added possibility to set a custom url to the campaign donate button- Update: Revolution Slider to the latest version 5.1.4- Added styling to campaign categories widget- Fix: campaign checkout widget- Adjusted custom content on shop page


- Update: Visual Composer to the latest version 4.8.1- Update: WooCommerce files to the latest version- New: Added option to change the testimonials slug- New: Added testimonials single post- New: Added option to change the color of the grey area throughout the theme- Fix: crowdfunding plugin to correctly reset campaign data- Fix: WooCommerce single product thumbs to properly change when there are variations with different images


- Updated Ultimate Visual Composer Addons to the latest version 3.15.7- Updated Visual Composer to the latest version Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version 5.1- Fixed date localization problem on single events- Fixed the problem regarding campaign listing where the grid layout was not selected- Fixed sticky menu problem that was occurring when selecting header style 3- Added obfuscation for the top header email- Added obfuscation for single staff post email


- Updated Ultimate Visual Composer Addons to the latest version 3.15.5- Fixed a bug regarding transparent background on mobile devices


- New: Added the ability to hide donation button, percentage bar or donation details for each campaign individually- New: Added automatic updates ability for both the theme and plugins- Updated the translation files- Updated Ultimate Visual Composer Addons to the latest version 3.15.3- Fixed transparent background on mobile devices- Fixed custom stylesheet problem occurring on WordPress multisite- Fixed date localization problem for the events


- Updated Revolution Slider to the latest version 5.0.9- Updated Visual Composer to the latest version 4.7.4- Updated the metabox to the latest version 4.5.7- Updated the translation files- Fixed Visual Composer Predefined Layout Backgrounds- Fixed titles with background style options


- Theme released.

Sources and Credits:

- Thanks to Astoundify for creating the Crowdfunding plugin.

- All images used in the preview are just for demonstration purposes and not included in the Theme. They require an appropriate license to be used.

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