thirds. - 3 Column Tumblr Theme

thirds. - 3 Column Tumblr Theme

Your Ultimate 3 Column Tumblr Theme designed with content in mind. Beautiful outside, powerful inside, they say “good things come in threes” for a reason…

Some Things that Make thirds. Unique
Beautiful Typography, Versatile, Easy & Fun to Customize, High Performance, Retina+, Responsive, Up to date – supports every Tumblr Post Type (Text, Photoset, Panorama, Photo, Audio, Video, Chat, Link, Quote), Featured Images, Search, Easy Social Media Integration, Comments (Disqus), Google Analytics, Fast Support, Fully Automatic Localization and many more…

Your satisfaction is what drives our products, so thank you because we really enjoy doing it :)Really happy I found this theme--it looks terrific on mobile devices especially, and the design has plenty of unique touches. Love the “leading paragraph” styling especially. Can’t thank you enough for the extremely fast and forthcoming support as well! Definitely another satisfied customer, ha… Thanks so much!Got to admit that these guys offer by far the best support that I have come up till now in both Themeforest and similar sites. Along with an awesome theme, it is a hard-to-beat combo. Awesome work guys, keep it up!

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