Brando Responsive & Multipurpose OnePage Template

Brando Responsive & Multipurpose OnePage Template

Brando is a fully responsive, creative, clean, beautiful and multipurpose onepage template with latest web design trends and tons of creative elements.

We have included 10+ ready to use different and unique onepage templates and few other pages for blog, coming soon and various web design elements.

It is perfect for any type of business like design agency, fashion, architecture, spa, restaurant, travel, photography, personal resume, freelancers, wedding, event, conference, tattoo etc… with readymade templates. It is developer friendly for customization, SEO & Speed optimized, well documented, commented, structured, well tested in all browsers & devices and contain easy to understand code.

\\ Fully Responsive
Brando is 100% responsive to make your website look beautiful in all devices and resolutions.
\\ Bootstrap 3.3
Bootstrap is the most popular framework for developing. Bootstrap makes front-end web development faster and easier.
\\ Retina Ready
Brando is ready for retina display, so your users will love to view your beautiful website in any retina device.
\\ Header & Navigation Styles
Various beautiful header and navigation options available. You can choose the one which suites best.
\\ Slider Styles
Beautiful and touch enabled responsive sliders with mixture of content, images and eye-catching call to action buttons.
\\ Creative Portfolios
Various portfolio styles like masonry, grid, filter, multi columns with title, image, gallery, hover and call to action.
\\ Parallax Backgrounds
Create awesome pages and section within pages with parallax image backgrounds and videos to make your page alive and beautiful.
\\ Awesome Readymade Layouts
We have included lots of page layouts, so you can create the website as per your desired style with blog and portfolio.
\\ Tons of Creative Elements
Brando is packed with over 100+ elements to help style your content in a plethora of ways and can be mixed in your layout.
\\ Blog Layout
Beautiful blog layout with different types of blog post formats like image, slider, gallery, video and quote.
\\ Modern Design
Brando has a striking balance between beautiful design and functionality. Each demo has been carefully crafted layouts.
\\ Coming Soon Template
Under construction templates are very useful for any website owners. It features jQuery countdown timer.
\\ Ajax Contact Form
This contact form plugin is used to create a simple contact form using Ajax technology and advanced validation.
\\ Pricing Tables
Clean and crisp pricing tables to showcase your subscription plans, offers, prices in attractive way to customers.
\\ Progress Bars
A simple way to showcase your skills level comparison.
\\ Lightbox Gallery
Lightbox has a user friendly interface and provides a easy way to display your portfolio details.
\\ Ajax Portfolio Popup
Elegant styles available to represent your portfolio item using popup with images, image slider, content and CTA.
\\ Accordion & Toggle Styles
Eye-catching categorized content blocks can be generated using accordion and toggle elements.
\\ Tab Styles
More content can be accommodated in smaller area using our different types of tab styles including text and icon as tab title.
\\ Counter Styles
Great looking and animated counters to show your business statistics with numbers, title and icons.
\\ Features Box Styles
Various features box layout to showcase your content with image, content, icons, and awesome hover effects.
\\ Alert Massage Styles
Different types of alert message styles available for success, warning, error, notification types of messages.
\\ 800+ Font Icons
We have used crisp and beautiful font icons from Font Awesome and Et-Line for various icons used in overall template.
\\ 500+ Google Fonts
Hundreds of free, open-source fonts from the Google and they are really fast in rendering also.
\\ SEO Optimized
We have designed and developed our templates considering SEO best practices with W3C validated code and optimized code.
\\ Speed Optimized
Brando itself is optimized for speed with careful attention to clean and structured code. Improves conversion rates.
\\ Compatible With All Browsers and Devices
Overall template is thoroughly tested with all devices and latest browsers to make sure it looks and works better everywhere.
\\ Lifetime Free Updates
We love to be attached with our template and our lovely customers, so provide timely updates and add new features to make Brando more helpful to our customers.
\\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\

Incredible Achievements

Onepage Demo Pages

  • Design Agency
    A perfect layout for creative agencies, freelancers and startup companies with simple and creative header, hero sliders, counter, services showcase, work portfolio, social media, skills, client testimonials, team, blog, contact details and contact form.

  • Travel Agency
    A stunning and alive layout for travel agencies with recent attractive deals slider, featured tailor made tour packages, all tour packages showcase with category filter, services, special offers and promotions, tours statistics counter, blog, hotel details & reviews, various call to action buttons, social media, contact details and contact form.

  • Hotel / Restaurant
    A beautiful and creative layout for hotel, motel, restaurant and chef / cook with services, meals, story, menu, chef listing, special dishes, yummy foods gallery with category filter, customer testimonials, delicious food blog stories, table booking / contact form, statistics counter and contact details.

  • Architecture
    A highly used and top rated layout from users and our existing customers for architecture, interior, construction companies and consultants with big hero slider, hamburger menu creative style, creative blocks for about us, services, history, filterable project portfolio, team showcase, clients / projects statistics counter, creative blog blocks and client testimonials, contact details and contact form.

  • Wedding
    A lovely layout for wedding couples with logo centered header, couple pics hero slider, couple introduction, wedding date countdown timer, wedding events and parties, photo gallery, RSVP form, wedding registry, love story, blog and location Google map.

  • Spa Salon
    A nature therapy centric green layout for Spa, beauty, massage and nature therapy salon with different therapy or treatment hero slider, spa services, about, quality and features, customers and service statistics counter, different packages, spa masonry gallery, therapists showcase, blog, contact details and contact form.

  • Photography
    A well designed and structured layout for photographers, art lovers and photo/video shooting studios with creative parallax background hero slider, about photographer, different services like people, nature, wildlife, objects, products photography, category filtered masonry photography gallery, awards and achievements, blog, contact details and contact form.

  • Personal / Resume
    A widely used and loved template by freelancers, students, entrepreneurs, photographers, artist, consultants and any type of one man army with left side header menu, hero slider, about person, skills, statistics counter of clients and services delivered, education history, employment history, awards and achievements, category filtered masonry portfolio with ajax popup, blog blocks and quotes, contact details and contact form.

  • Event
    An awesome landing page type of template for event and conference promotion and registration with parallax image, event details and call to action button in hero section, event details, countdown timer for event date, speakers detail, full event schedule, sponsors and partners section, photo gallery, social media sharing, statistics counter, pricing table, RSVP form, contact details and contact form.

  • Tattoo Salon
    A creative design layout for creative tattoo salon with hero slider to showcase recent tattoo with basic details, about section, tattoo artists showcase, tattoo photo gallery, pricing table for different packages, book now form, customer testimonials slider, blogs, contact details and contact form.

Ready to Use Creative Elements

  • 07+ Slider typography
  • 04+ Header styles
  • 06+ Blog post styles
  • 05+ Portfolio listing styles
  • 03+ Ajax portfolio detail popup styles
  • 04+ Image gallery
  • 03+ Accordion and toggle styles
  • 02+ Progress bar styles
  • 23+ Button styles
  • 10+ Features box styles
  • 12+ Icon styles
  • 04+ Alert massage styles
  • 05+ Tab styles
  • 02+ Counter styles
  • 07+ Working forms

Brando Core Features

  • Creative, clear and neat design as per the latest web design standards
  • One page templates with smooth scroll
  • Coming soon page with countdown timer and newsletter form
  • Elegant blog design layout
  • Blog post types of image, slider, quote, gallery, external and HTML5 video
  • Standard blog detail page layout
  • Fully responsive layout
  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • Bootstrap 3.3
  • Retina ready
  • Unlimited icons
  • Ajax contact form with validation
  • Ajax portfolio detail popup
  • Fast performance
  • SEO optimized
  • Touch swipe support
  • Sticky menus
  • HTML5 videos
  • Parallax and fixed background images
  • Full screen sliders
  • On scroll animations
  • Pricing tables
  • Grid system
  • Working PHP contact forms
  • Isotope portfolio filtering
  • Font awesome icons
  • ET-line icons
  • Smooth animations
  • Form validations
  • Responsive carousels
  • Countdown timer
  • Portfolio / Lightbox gallery
  • Masonry
  • Ready shortcodes
  • Easy to use and customizable code
  • Reusable code
  • Developer friendly and well commented code
  • Google fonts
  • Cross browser compatible
  • Well documented
  • Free updates
  • Responsive and quick support


  • Imcreator
  • DesignspIration
  • Unsplash
  • NothingToChance
  • Pexels
  • InspirationDe
  • UnusualWhite
  • Mazwai
  • Images used in demo are for display purpose only, they are not included in the package.


ver. 1.2 (08.04.2016)  - Fixed: Fixed social media icon links not working in architecture and personal pages. Added directpage class in links and changed jquery.nav.js file.

ver. 1.1 (24.01.2016)  - Added new event page demo  - Added new tattoo page demo

ver. 1.0 (31.10.2015)  - initial release


Customer satisfaction is our top priority, don’t hesitate to contact us here: if you require any assistance. We will try our best to reply within one business day.

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