Classified Ads WordPress Theme – Classifieds
Classified Ads WordPress Theme is the most complete WordPress theme for classified ads. Built to be beautiful, fast and powerful. We made sure that anyone who visits it once will have no reason to look anywhere else.


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latest version of Classified Ads WordPress Theme theme and demo content for you in maximum 48h and
100% Free Of Charge. All you need to do is to contact us right after purchase on
our support forum and request for demo content installation. All other is our care!
Theme Updates
=============================================Version bug with category selection when comming from All Categories on SearchFixed compatibility issues with WP 4.5Added scroll to payments after ad submitAdded restriction on mime types to images only for the usersUpdated languagesUpdated Smeta pluginEdited files:style.cssjs/custom.jsfooter.phpfunctions.phppage-tpl_my_profile.phplib/plugins/smeta.ziplanguages/*Version 1.928.03.2016.Added category count on shortcode and all categories pageAdded home page map geolocationAdded autocomplete restriction by countryFixed bug with displaying phone from the adFixed bug with default radius searchFixed bug with navigation on iPadUpdated languages filesEdited files:style.cssfunctions.phpjs/gmap.jsjs/custom.jspage-tpl_search_page.phppage-tpl_all_categories.phpincludes/theme-options.phpincludes/shortcodes/categories.phpincludes/widgets.phplanguages/*Version 1.818.03.2016.Added sidebar on ad single pageAdded google adsense widgetUpdated languagesEdited files:single-ad.phpsidebar-ad.phpincludes/theme-options.phpinculdes/widgets.phpstyle.cssfunctions.phplanguages/*Version 1.715.03.2016.Fixed display of prices on map boxesEdited files:style.cssjs/custom.jsfunctions.phpVersion 1.609.03.2016.Fixed mollie modeFixed style of messages for report and questionFixed bug with double message on question and reportFixed bug with reseting views on ad editMinor bug fixesAdded removal of the submit ad button after the submission is successfullImprovements to caegory display when only 2 are available ( to be displayed one beside the other )Improved importRemoved theme's updated and introduced Envato Market as official update pluginUpdated languages filesEdited files:style.csscss/admin.cssfunctions.phpincludes.profile-pages/ad-form.phpincludes/class-tgm-plugin-activation.phpincludes/shortcodes/categories.phpjs/custom.jsincludes/theme-options.phpincludes/*remove includes/update.phpVersion 1.525.02.2016.Changes & Updates:Fixed a bug with front end ads submitEdited files:style.cssfunctions.phpfooter.phpVersion same titlesAdded cluster windowFixed bug with view counterFixed bug with editing deal when subpage slug is changedFixed bug with password change on profileFixed bug with mega menu and map zIndexFixed bug with category count in the widgetFixed bug with sending question and reporting adRemoved extra comment on advanced fields 'Separate value with |...'Fixed bug with gaps on ad category edit when there are subgroupsFixed issue with left map search and non sticky navigationFixed bug with extra video placeholdersFixed ordering of the adsMinor bug fixesUpdated WooCommerce filesEdited files: style.cssfunctions.phpsingle-ad.phpjs/custom.jsjs/shortcodes.jsjs/custom-fields.jsjs/infobox.jsincludes/profile-pages/my-ads.phppage-tpl_my_profile.phpincludes/custom-ad-fields.phpincludes/widgets.phppage-tpl_search_page.phpcss/main-colors.css.phpwoocommerce/content-product.phpVersion bug with scroll bar adn modals change.Fixed bug with number of videos.Fixed bug with color of the link on register modal.Fixed bug with hiding nav on safariUpdated languages filesEdited files:style.cssjs/custom.jsjs/image-uploader.jscss/maincolors.css.phplanguages/*Version advanced filter by custom fieldsAdded steps for the renewal/submit ad formRemoved featured image as being mandatory for the adAdded option to set image placeholder if no featured image is assigned to the adAdded link to login form on register modalUpdated languages filesChanged demo dataEdite files:style.cssjs/custom.jsfunctions.phpincludes/custom-ad-fields.phpincludes/search-box.phpincludes/theme-options.phpincludes/widgets.phpincludes/profile-pages/ad-form.phpincludes/profile-pages/next-prev.phpinculdes/profile-pages/my-ads.phpincludes/author-info.phpincludes/ad-box.phpincludes/ad-box-alt.phpincludes/radium-one-click-demo-install/demo-files/*single-ad.phppage-tpl_search_page.phpfooter.phplanguages/*page-tpl_my_profile.phpclassifieds-cpt ( reinstall the plugin )Version issue with AdBlockerFixed issue with menu not showing on quick scrollEdited files:functions.phpjs/custom.jsstyle.css
Images used in theme preview are not included in main downloadable item.