Lena is an Elegant, Modern WordPress Woocommerce theme, you can use Lena for any kind of shop such as fashion, handmade, shoes, hat..etc
- Revolution Slider
- Visual Composer
- Visual Composer Shortcodes plus 25 custom shortcodes
- 4 style menu
- 6 Homepage styles
- Smooth Scrolling
- Megamenu
- Google Web Fonts
- 1000+ Font icon
- Use your custom logo and favicon icon.
- 5 Post format (Standard, video, link, gallery, audio)
- Made for Woocommerce shop
- Ajax search, Filter, pagination for shop
- Custom banner, 404, countdown promote shortcodes
- WPML support
- Detailed written help file
- CSS3 Features and Animations
Version 1.0 – November 7th, 2015
- Initial Release
Version 1.0.1 – December 17th, 2015
- New : Add option number product for a page shop.- Updated: Update theme for compatibility with Visual Composer 4.9- Updated: Update theme for compatibility with WooCommerce 2.4.11- Fixed : Change logo page shop.- Fixed : Change footer copyright.- Fixed : Child theme not working.
Version 1.2 – April 23rd, 2016
- Updated: Visual Composer