StoreX – WordPress WooCommerce Electronics Theme is a slim looking responsive and easy to use WordPress WooCommerce theme. Opening an electronics e-commerce site the StoreX theme if right for you.Theme comes with plenty of features, like out of the box layout configurator that allows you to set custom layouts on each of you static pages, blog, and shop pages. You can also set any colors you want through our theme’s control panel. Setting a custom font for the theme has never been easier.
UPDATE:ver: 1.10
- Woocommerce 2.5.0 compatibility update
- Upsells option added (pt-admin.php, pt-woo-modification.php)
- Address input on checkout page fixed (woo-styles.css)
UPDATE:ver. 1.9:
- Updated PT Search widget. “Product search only” option added(class-pt-widget-search.php, style.css)
- Shop banner button output fixed (pt-woo-modification.php)
UPDATE:ver. 1.8:
- Fix Logo Options(Select logo position)(header.php, style.css)
Update:ver. 1.7:
- Fix Fonts and Colors Settings(pt-functions.php)
Update:ver. 1.6:
- Add Catalog Mode Option(pt-admin.php, pt-woo-modification.php, content-product.php, woo-style.css)
- Fix mobile sticky menu(sticky-helper.js)
- Fix Terms and Conditions css(woo-style.css)