Joy - Christmas Bundle Email + Builder Access

Joy - Christmas Bundle Email + Builder Access

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Built with client needs in mind

The difference between Joy and most other templates out there is the fact that we’ve built it with the holidays in mind, and especially with social events in mind. We’ve tried to meet most general events that occur during the holiday period.

This is the reason why you will be able to find a one of a kind Out Of Office template, which freelancers or companies can send to their clients. We also created several tourism, restaurant or bar layouts that present services or programs that you can send to your clients, or even promote your special holiday menu to your list of subscribers.

Regardless if you’re a freelancer or company trying to notify your clients about upcoming changes, a restaurant or bar owner, a hotel owner, a charity foundation, a blog owner looking to send a recipe or a great post to your clients, a shop trying to promote sales or you simply want to be a Secret Santa, our Joy template has everything you need to make these holidays count and improve your business!

Update History

V1.0 – Dec 5th, 2015
Official Release

Photo Credits

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