JSN Artista - Standout photography portfolio template

JSN Artista - Standout photography portfolio template

JSN Artista – Standout photography portfolio template

JSN Artista is a sophisticated Joomla template knitted for portfolio, photography or creative showcase websites. With the perfect combination of all design elements and excellent customization options, JSN Artista gives you every unique way to helps you build a pretty nifty artistic website with ease

Why should you choose JSN Artista?

Multiple homepage

Custom Page

Portfolio Style

SEO Features

Mega Menu

Mobile Menu

Must-have elements


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Free Built-in Extensions in JSN Artista

Free Editions of JSN PowerAdmin, JSN ImageShow, JSN Uniform and JSN PageBuilder are four built-in extensions in JSN Artista sample data.

JSN PowerAdmin - Provide full control over your Joomla website in a single screen via an intuitive GUI with drag-n-drop operations.

JSN ImageShow - Display your images in a lively way. You can place it anywhere, in whatever size and filled with whatever content you want.

JSN Uniform - Allow you to create and manage effortlessly and effectively a wide range of forms as they want with diversified fields.

JSN PageBuilder - Drag-n-Drop suitable elements, construct content visually without any lines of code and get instant view with live preview.

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