Testimonials From Customers
I’ve purchased your theme and it’s great (gave it 5 stars!!!) torweb
I really like this theme and think it’s going to be great for my client. offthepagelb
My client loves your theme. kaga
Hello peerapong, this is a beautiful theme!!! fabiovisualfoto
Thanks for your themes, they are always very easy to use. pondicherry
Very good for my needs. An excellent photography showcase. Amazingly fast too. It’s a perfect fit. http://www.lukaboskovic.com/ Looca
Hey guys I absolutely love your theme! Just purchased it and have it up and running on my website in virtually minutes! itwasbo
- Responsive Design
- 8 Homepage Gallery Options
- 7 Gallery Templates
- 3 Portfolio Templates
- Customisable Elements Colors
- Full Screen slideshow for Photo Gallery
- Music support for homepage gallery
- Password Protected Gallery Support
- Extensive galleries admin. Support multiple images upload
- Social media Profiles Support
- 300+ Google Web Fonts
- CSS and javascript compression support
- Easily customize elements colors using color picker
- Styled typography and flexible page columns
- Built-in Many Shortcodes
- Style shortcodes ex. dropcap etc.
- Column shortcodes ex. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 columns
- Built-in Shortcode Generator plugin
- Custom Post Type support for Galleries, Portfolios
- Wordpress custom menu support
- Facebook, Twitter and Google+ integration
- Unlimited sidebar. Create and select sidebar for each of your page!
- Contact us page with validation and fullscreen Google Map support
= V1.0 - 23.08.2012 =* Initial Release = V1.1 - 06.09.2012 =* Fix image flow XML file issue on some server setting= V1.2 - 07.09.2012 =* Fix static image issue on homepage= V1.3 - 04.10.2012 =* Fix music issue on kenburn homepage style= V1.4 - 18.10.2012 =* Add option to disable gallery title and description display= V1.5 - 22.11.2012 =* Fix page title off center* Fix blog comment link issue* Fix comment avatar display issue= V1.6 - 04.12.2012 =* Fix fullscreen cropping issue* Fix listen to music on theme admin= V1.7 - 12.12.2012 =* Fix issue on Wordpress 3.5= V1.7.1 - 16.01.2013 =* Fix flip gallery issue on Wordpress 3.5= V1.8 - 25.01.2013 =* Fix skin manager issue on some server setting= V1.9 - 21.06.2013 =* Fix Twitter widget issue= V2.0 * 02.08.2013 =* Fix main menu issue on Wordpress 3.6= V2.01 * 14.10.2013 =* Fix twitteroauth conflict issue= V2.0.2 * 20.08.2014 =* Add instagram to social profile option= V2.1 - 06.01.2015 =* Update fix for possible security issue with theme contact form= V2.2 - 28.04.2015 =* Fix gallery admin issue on Wordpress 4.2* Add feature to gallery admin so it can used already uploaded images = V2.3 - 17.05.2015 =* Fix image order issue on Wordpress 4.2= V2.4 - 02.06.2015 =* Fix gallery image flow issue on IE browser