CoWorker - Responsive Multipurpose Template

CoWorker - Responsive Multipurpose Template



V2.1 now available with Amazing NEW Features & Bootstrap 3. Check below.

CoWorker is a Responsive Multipurpose Template built for flexibility. Tons of Customizations are possible with this template that’ll help you redefine your website’s brand value.

Boxed & Full Width Layout. You now have an option to customize the complete layout of your Website with CoWorker by stretching/minimizing your layout width.

Fully Responsive & Retina Ready Design. CoWorker is completely responsive down to mobile phones and it includes Retina Graphics so that not only your website looks good on mobile devices but also looks ultra sharp.

Unlimited Color Options. Just choose the favourite color for your Website and see the magic. Choose a color for every occasion or change it twice a day. Your Visitors are gonna get surprised.

Premium Sliders Included. CoWorker comes inbuilt with 12 Premium and Awesome Sliders. The most Popular LayerSlider ($10) and Slider Revolution ($12) are also included.

95+ HTML Pages. Flexibility is the main feature of CoWorker. You have 100s of Layout possibilities with unlimited variations.

7 Header + Menu Styles. Change the complete look of your Website by changing the Headers and the Menus which comes in 7 Awesome Completely Different Variants with the Template. Show your Customers, how versatile you are..!

Bootstrap Compatible. Compatible with the powerful Bootstrap Components, there is even more flexibility. Use all the components available in the Bootstrap and beautify your website even more.


  • Fully Responsive Design
  • Retina Display Support
  • Touch Swipe Support
  • 115+ HTML Files
  • Unlimited Color Options
  • Unlimited Patterns
  • Boxed & Full Width Layouts
  • 13 Premium Sliders Pages
  • 7 Homepage Layouts
    • Default Layout
    • Alternate Layout
    • Alternate Layout 2
    • Portfolio Layout
    • Blog Layout
    • Sidebar Layout
    • Minimal Layout
  • 7 Header + Menu Styles
  • eCommerce Shop Design with 4 Shop Layouts
  • 7 Portfolio Item Pages
    • 4 Columns
    • 4 Columns with Sidebar
    • 3 Columns
    • 3 Columns with Sidebar
    • 2 Columns
    • 2 Columns with Sidebar
    • 5 Columns Masonry
  • 15 Portfolio Single Item Pages
  • 6 Blog Posts Layouts
    • Default Layout
    • Alternate Layout
    • Full Width Layout
    • Full Width Alternate Layout
    • Small Thumbs Layout
    • Small Thumbs Full Width Layout
  • 3 Blog Single Layouts
    • Default Layout
    • Full Width Layout
    • Split Layout
  • Disqus Comments Integration
  • Facebook Comments Integration
  • 4 Contact Page Layouts
  • 4 Landing Page Layouts
  • 4 Pricing Table Styles
  • Under Construction Page
  • 2 Footer Color Schemes
    • Light Footer
    • Dark Footer
  • AJAX Powered Contact Form with Google Maps
  • reCAPTCHA Support for Primary Contact Form
  • HoneyPot Contact Form SPAM Protection
  • PHPMailer Secure Form Email Processor
  • Working Newsletter Form (MailChimp)
  • Working Search (Custom Google Search)
  • Linkable Tabbed Widget
  • Bootstrap Components Compatible
  • Clients Logo Scroller
  • Google Fonts Support
  • 11 Custom Widgets
    • Flickr Photostream
    • Twitter Feed
    • Portfolio Scroller
    • Testimonials Scroller
    • Posts Widget
    • Tabbed Widget
    • Instagram Photos
    • Dribbble Shots
    • Links Widget
    • Video Widget
    • Slider Widget
  • 22+ Unique Shortcodes with 100s of Options
  • Twitter, Flickr, Instagram & Dribbble Feeds
  • PSD Source Files Included
  • Well Documented
  • Cross Browser Compatible


Version 2.1 – 18th January’14

- Added: On-Scroll CSS3 Animations- Added: New Bootstrap 3 Shortcodes Pages- Updated: Bootstrap 3.0.2- Updated: LayerSlider to V5.0.2- Updated: Revolution Slider to V4.1.2- Updated: Mobile Menu- Updated: Font Awesome to V4.0.3- Fixed: Issues with Mobile Menu- Fixed: Minor Bugs

Version 2.0 – 20th October’13

- Added: Shop Design 3 Columns- Added: Shop Design 4 Columns- Added: Shop Design 3 Columns with Sidebar- Added: Shop Design 2 Columns with Sidebar- Added: Product Single Page - Sidebar- Added: Product Single Page - Full Width- Added: jQuery Pagination for Portfolio 2 Columns- Added: jQuery Pagination for Portfolio 3 Columns- Added: jQuery Pagination for Portfolio 4 Columns- Added: isoTope Hash Linking Feature for Portfolio 2 Columns- Added: isoTope Hash Linking Feature for Portfolio 3 Columns- Added: isoTope Hash Linking Feature for Portfolio 4 Columns- Added: isoTope Hash Linking Feature for Portfolio 5 Columns- Added: Native Responsive Audio Player- Added: Responsive Lightbox Plugin - Magnific Popup- Added: Portfolio Filter with Hash History for External Portfolio Filter Linking/Bookmarking- Added: Language Switcher in Header- Added: Top Menu Dropdown Ability- Added: Responsive Slide Down Native Menu- Added: Featured Boxes Linking- Added: New Border Button Style- Added: Twitter Feed Footer Panel- Removed: prettyPhoto Lightbox Plugin- Removed: Responsive Select Menu- Updated: Twitter Bootstrap to Version 2.3.2- Updated: Slider Revolution Plugin- Updated: Layer Slider Plugin- Updated: Font Awesome- Updated: jQuery- Updated: jQuery isoTope- Updated: jQuery Superfish- Updated: jQuery Camera Slider- Updated: jQuery Nivo Slider- Updated: jQuery Refine Slider- Updated: PHPMailer- Fixed: FlexSlider Fix for Accordion/Tabs/Toggles- Fixed: jQuery Document Ready Call- Fixed: Minor Bugs

Version 1.8.2 – 13th June’13

- Fixed: Twitter Feed Issue

Version 1.8.1 – 7th June’13

- Updated: team.html and about.html File with Updated Team Layout Codes

Version 1.8 – 30th May’13

- Added: Sticky Menu- Updated: About Page Code- Fixed: Progress Bars Animation Issue in Firefox- Fixed: DropDown Menu Visibility Issue in Firefox

Version 1.7 – 21st May’13

- Updated: LayerSlider updated to the Latest Version- Updated: Revolution Slider updated to the Latest Version- Updated: About Page Code- Fixed: Minor CSS Bugs- Performance Improvements

Version 1.6 – 6th April’13

- Added: Working Search (Google Custom Search)- Added: Working AJAX Newsletter (Mailchimp)- Added: New SPAM Protection for Contact Forms- Added: Tab Linking from Hash Tags in the URL- Improved: Testimonials Design - Chat Bubble- Fixed: Minor CSS Bugs

Version 1.5 – 26th March’13

- Added: 6 Header Styles- Added: Skills Progress Bars Animation- Fixed: Minor CSS Bugs

Version 1.4 – 11th March’13

- Added: 19 Layered Full Layout PSDs- Updated: Layer Slider Updated to v4 with 170 new 3D and 2D Animations- Improved: Layer Slider Loading- Fixed: Minor CSS Bug Fixes

Version 1.3 – 5th March’13

- Added: Blog Single Split Layout- Added: Blog Single Full Layout- Added: Disqus Comments Integration- Added: Facebook Comments Integration- Added: Twitter Feed API 1.1 Support and OAuth Authentication Integration- Added: Auto Load Modal Popup on Page Load Example- Updated: Twitter Feeds now fetch feeds from the API 1.1- Fixed: Mobile Menu Sub Menu Items Alignment Issue- Fixed: IE8 Background Color for certain elements- Changed: Error 404 class changed to "error-404" from "error404" to avoid conflict- Changed: Tooltips Syntax- Improved: Documentation

Version 1.2 – 28th February’13

- Added: Contact Form Captcha Support (reCAPTCHA)- Updated: Bootstrap to Latest Version- Updated: jQuery- Updated: Homapage Google Maps Updated to Image from Iframe Embeds- Updated: Default Layout is now Stretched- Fixed: Primary Menu Max Width- Fixed: Retina & Standard Logo Issue on Mobile Devices- Fixed: Logo Alignment on Non-Retina Devices- Fixed: Several Minor CSS Issues

Version 1.1 – 19th February’13

- Added: Fully Retina Ready- Added: Testimonials Auto Scrolling Function- Added: Top Menu Link Emphasis- Fixed: Google Map Controls Issue- Fixed: Several Minor CSS Issues- Improved: Slider Image Loading

Version 1.0 – 7th February’13

- Initial release