Version 1.9 Out Now – Change Log Details
A beautiful WordPress Theme dedicated to promoting, selling, and showcasing you. Selfy was built for non-web designer and developers, and in a few moments you can customise this theme to suite your own needs. This theme is super organized, and highly documented, so working with these files is a breeze, plus there is full support for working with Selfy.
Video Tutorials
Watch our Selfy 5 minute set up video.
Full Feature List
Design Customization
- 2 Alternative Home Page layouts,
- 4 different skins (default, sepia, girly, dark),
- Full Color and Brand Control,
- Full Screen Slider,
- Image slides or post slides,
- Use a logo or use text as your logo,
- Modular Design, turn off any section, eg footer,
- Final Call CSS, easily add your own CSS without editing the core theme files.
- More than 20 social icons,
- Photoshop PSD included,
- Responsive design,
- HD/Retina-ready,
Smart WordPress Features
- 2 custom widgets include,
- Color coded widget areas,
- 7 different standard page templates,
- HTML shortcodes, add more than 30 different html shortcode snippets with the click of a button,
- Dedicated search results page and 404 page,
- Translation/localization ready with ready-to-go .po file,
Blog & Post Options
- 3 different blog layouts,
- Supports 5 different post formats,
- Great support for embeddable media (e.g. Vimeo, Youtube, Soundcloud etc),
- Each post can be represented in blog with featured image, embeddable media or featured image that opens up media in a lightbox,
Amazing Galleries
- 4 different gallery styles,
- Isotope premium plugin,
- Flex Slider gallery plugin,
- Lightbox functionality to showcase your images,
Quick Setup
- Demo content files included,
- Export/import your settings,
- Auto update checks and “One Click” theme updates
SEO (Search Engine Optimized)
- SEO Optimized – built with best SEO practices in mind,
- Theme SEO can be suppressed if 3rd party SEO software is preferred to minimize risk of conflicts,
- Custom social widgets lets you add Twitter feed to your site,
- Compatible with SEO by Yoast
Professional Support
- Extensive documentation and tutorial video,
- Documentation can be accessed straight from dashboard,
- Auto update checks and “One Click” theme updates,
- Smart admin panel with contextual help,
Tested With These Popular Plugins
- WooCommerce compatible, add your own online store with this Free plugin,
- WooCommerce Product Archive Customiser
- Supports Contact Form 7,
- Compatible with SEO by Yoast
- Envato Toolkit
- Regenerate Thumbs
- WordPress Importer
- W3 Total Cache
- And many more…
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Change Log
March 10, 2016 – Version 1.9
- FIXED: Issue where insert image button would return blank.- FIXED: Missing indexes notice for uninitialized options with WP_DEBUG turned on.- FIXED: Issue where Twitter widget set to theme design would not display tweets.
January 13, 2016 – Version 1.8
- FIXED: Issue where insert image button would return blank.
December 12, 2015 – Version 1.7
- ADDED: Support for WordPress native title tag- FIXED: Issue that prevented Facebook Open Graph from getting custom logo when on page with no featured image.- FIXED: Comment form layout for non-logged in users in WP4.4
September 08, 2015 – Version 1.6
- UPDATED: TGM library to version 2.5.2.- UPDATED: Widgets construct method for compatibility with WP 4.3+ (removes debug notice).- FIXED: Bundled plugins can now be installed/updated when child theme is active.- FIXED: Retina styling for mosaic overlay
May 04, 2015 – Version 1.5
- UPDATE: TGM Plugin Activation library updated.- UPDATE: Security patch (
November 02, 2014 – Version 1.4
- Update: Documentation regarding WooCommerce- Update: Theme Help Panel- Update: WooCommerce Styles + Responsive Styles- Update: Content Demo Files
Change log Continued
// APRIL 25, 2014- Updated Theme Version Number// APRIL 24, 2014- Optimized for WordPress 3.9// MARCH 27, 2014- Fix: Manual excerpts in blog now display shortcodes- Update: Homepage text will now display shortcodes- Update: Added Facebook Open Graph support// FEBRUARY 27, 2014 - Updated: Includes Envato Toolkit, update checker- Updated: Documentation updating themes- Fix: WooCommerce Widgets Style fix// FEBRUARY 11, 2014- Fixed: Shop product row alignment fix// JANUARY 03, 2014- Fixed: Issue where Isotope filter menu failed in WP3.8// DECEMBER 16, 2013- Fix: Admin Panel CSS- Update: Documentation// NOVEMBER 12, 2013- Fix: Menu colour bug in responsive - Update: WooCommerce rating stars// NOVEMBER 5, 2013- feature: WooCommerce compatibility.- feature: Smart footer. Footer now detects how many of the footer widget areas have widgets in them and automatically resizes to accommodate. - feature: Now possible to use own icons for homepage statistics.- feature: Additional colour options in appearance tab - fixed: issue where correct number of images would not load in galleries page// OCTOBER 11, 2013- fixed: issue where twitter feed would not load correctly- feature: added final call css option to backend appearance menu for easy css customization.// SEPTEMBER 20, 2013- category pages now has blog layout. Layout style can be set in theme settings.- options to display category title and description on top of category pages.- option for general body link color.// AUGUST 28, 2013- Pagination fix if blog used as homepage- Menu text color option added to appearance settings- Masthead background color appearance settings fix// JULY 31, 2013- Twitter Footer Widget stylized - Flex slider play and duration options - Masthead height auto fix - Menu text appearance color option in settings - Import/Export theme settings option - Sidebar image max-width style change // JULY 23, 2013- Message box styles, - Accordions and Toggles, - Responsive Tabs, - Masthead Heading text scaling, - Styles for input types (tel, url, dates, range), - Added slider duration and speed controls - Fixed Apostrophe stripping Selfy home page fields - Removed double brace on to_top css - Logo padding limit removed// JULY 9, 2013- Updated responsive.css and scripts.js for display of Responsive Menu