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Transformer theme is an elegant powerful and fully responsive prestashop theme with modern design. Suitable for every type of store.
Transformer v3 is compatible with PrestaShop
Transformer v2 is compatible with PrestaShop
If you have any questions please contact us via here or add skype: st-themes We’ll do our best to assist.
There are many different kinds of stickers / labels that you can use.
You can specify the number of products per row for different devices.
Key features
- Responsive layout. You can enable/disable responsive mode.
- Powerful theme editor
- Built with HTML5 and CSS3
- Layout variation from admin panel(1 column, 2 columns)
- 10 Predefined colors
- Unlimited colors
- Mobile compatible
- Back to top button
- Megamenu
- Rollover effect for products view
- Integrated Google fonts
- Lots of paterns + ability to upload custom patern
- Wide and Boxed layouts
- Ajax add to cart
- Ajax Wishlist & compare
- Advanced product autocomplete search with images and link more
- Using Icons Font
- Responsive emial tempaltes
- Product Quick View
- Camera slideshow
- Sliders for New, Speical, Featured and Sale on Homepage
- Products slider by Category on the homepage
- Display category products by tabs
- Sliders for Manufacturer logo
- Slideshow for Each Category
- Grid/list product view
- Customizable grid, changing amount of products per row on product list page
- Show / Hide Category Title
- Show / Hide Category Description
- Show / Hide Subcategories
- Show product attributes like size and color in the product list.
- Manufacturer logo on the product page
- Social share on the product page
- Previous & Next functionality
- Custom tab for product page, ready to display any content: video, size charts, etc.
- Tabs/accordion – tabs smoothly turns into accordion on lower screen resolutions
- Product sliders for Cross sale products and Accessiray.
- SEO is supported in Category page and Blog Page
- Each post can belong to multiple categories
- Large Image Layouts/Medium Image Layouts/Grid Layouts
- Predefined article responsive layout
- Format(Standard,Gallery,Video)
- RSS feeds for posts
- Mulit language
- Multi shop
- Includes Categories menu module, Featured articles module, Recent articles module, Relatead products module…
- iPhone/iPad Favicons, now link to your website in iPhone will be witch fancyicon
- Google rich snippets
- Additional links in header, footer …
- Faceboox like box
- Twitter Embedded Timelines
- Custom code, Add you own css or js code
- Custom message for no product, 404 …
- Compatiblility(IE8+, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome)
- Mulit language
- Mulit currency
- Multistore ready
- .Psd files included
- No core file edit
Images for the demo are taken from photodune.net.http://themeforest.net/collections/3589468-transformer-theme-demo-images
Product photos that you see in Demo shop just a sample and are not provided with theme.
Next updates:
- Instagram module
- Add posibility to create a vertical menu
How to upgrade your theme from v3.x to the latest version
Version 3.2.7 (February 29, 2016)
- Fixed a price-related bug.
Version 3.2.6 (February 28, 2016)
- Optimized the product page for mobile devices.
- Improved RTL support.
- Added possibility to place the shopping cart along with the menu.
- Added an option to zoom product images on hover.
- Added an option to the Advanced banner module to stop resizeing banner images.
- New settings for 2+ level menu items.
- Added possibility to change the “blog” text in blog urls.
- Footer accordions on mobile version can be opened by clicking their titles.
- Settings for the main product name.
- Display level 4+ menu items under their parent items.
- Added an option to stop sub-categories using their parent categories’ slideshows and banners.
- Language switcher and currcy switcher can display languages and currecies in buttons.
- Added possibility to remove product thumbnails from search results.
- Added possibility to change font size globally.
- Removed the “Megamenu” module.
- Bug fixes.
Version 3.2.5 (November 10, 2015)
- Compatibility with Prestashop
- New countdown module.
- Added possiblity to show a menu item on mobile devices only.
- Added possiblity to show thunbnail images in grid view on the product page.
- Added an option to show the Left/right column on the top/bottom of the main column on moblie view.
- Change the shadow style when in Boxed style.
- How to set up a site as the demo 8.
- A Javascript error in the product page on retina devices.
Version 3.2.3 (August 26, 2015)
- Compatibility with Prestashop
Version 3.2.2 (August 18, 2015)
- One new demo site.
- How to set up your theme as the demo 12.
- Improved mobile header layout.
- Sticky mobile header.
- Sticker header.
- Ability to put advanced banners to the top of cms pages.
- Added an option to show custom contents on mobile devices only.
- Added a new image type “thickbox_default_2x”(700×800) so please regenerate this type of product thumbnails. If all your product images are larger than 700×800, for example 1400×1600, then you can increase the size of the thickbox_default_2x image type to 1400×1600 to make popup product images look sharp on iPad.
Version 3.2.1 (July 13, 2015)
- Removed the /modules/stmegamenu/ folder from the /Prestashop1.6/update.x.zip file.
Version 3.2.1 (July 11, 2015)
- Compatibility with Prestashop
- Updated “Facebook Like Box” module to “Facebook page plugin” module.
- Revolution slider sample sliders.
- Bug fixes.
Version 3.2.0 (April 24, 2015)
- Four new demo sites:
- Video guides:
- Six new modules:
- Newsletter popup module
- Featured categories slider module
- Cart block mod module
- Currency block mod module
- Quick search block mod module
- User info block mod module
- Improved layout of the header for mobile devices
- Ability to change spacing between modules.
- Ability to change the width of footer blocks.
- Animated sticky menu.
- Full width banner.
- Added option to change spacing between banners
- Full width custom content block.
- Ability to set a background for each block.
- Added option to align the block titles to center.
- Added option to make previous and next buttons on each side.
- Added option to change the width of logo section.
- Ability to manage flyout buttons via Theme editor module.
- Added an efficient way to move a module from one hook to another.
- Improved layout of the blog homepage.
- Ability to show “Add to cart” buttons below the product name.
- Ability to hide/show the title text of menu items when mouse over.
- Ability to move product tabs to right hand side of product images.
- Added the config for show/hide flag image in language selector.
- Added the config for show/hide currency symbol in currecy selector.
- Ability to put custom content in Contact us page.
- Ability to show all manufacturers in the menu as a list.
- Ability to show Cart and Search on the top bar.
- Ability to put the menu to the right side of the logo.
- Improved RTL support.
- Compatibility with Prestashop
- Bug fixes.
Version 3.1.1 (January 20, 2015)
- Compatibility with Prestashop
- Slider Revolution Version 4.6.3.
- How to make your theme look like the Transformer theme demo store 7
Version 3.1.0 (January 7, 2015)
- Added Parallax block module.
- Added Owl Carousel module.
- Added Advanced banner module.
- Added Advanced megamenu module.
- Added Related articels module.
- Improved RTL support
- Bug Fixes.
Version 3.0.9 (August 5, 2014)
- Compatibility with Prestashop
- Yotpo integration.
- New module “Blog search”.
- Added possibility to put slideshow into CMS pages.
- How to setup Transformer theme to look like the demo store 2
- Minor bug fixes.
Version 3.0.8 (July 11, 2014)
- Credit slips page issue.
- Unable to add products to megamenu.
- Product extra tabs issue.
- Welcome msg issue.
- Some RTL issues.
Version 3.0.5 (June 27, 2014)
- Compatibility with Prestashop
- Product images retina ready.
- “Sold out” stiker.
- Revolution slider update.
- Various minor bug fixes.
Version 3.0.1 (May 11, 2014)
- Various minor bug fixes.
- Video Guides
Version 3.0 (April 21, 2014)
- Transformer theme ready for prestashop 1.6
- Video Guides
How do i update the theme with the new version?
Version 2.7.9 for Prestashop1.5.4.0- stable! (June 27, 2014)
- Various minor bug fixes.
Version 2.7.8 (April 21, 2014)
- Revolution Slider.
- Added new module “Hover image”.
- Various minor bug fixes.
Version 2.6.6 (January 27, 2014)
- Added new module Iosslider.
- Social login system integration.
- Switch back to desktop version link.
- Option to display tags on product page.
- RTL support – Click here view RTL demo.
- Prestashop compatible.
- Sticky menu option.
- Fixed jQzoom bug.
- Fixed price font size bug.
- Other small bugs.
Version 2.5.9 (November 30, 2013)
- Added possibility of changing menu text color on mobile version via color picker.
- Added an option to change the header text color.
- Show custom tab by manufacturer.
- Prestashop compatible.
- “Add this button” module update. Possibility to disable and select your own buttons.
- Possibility to change position of menu(left/right/center).
- Megamenu module. Added Blog link, new products link, special products link, etc.
- Fixed search bug.
- Fixed quickview bug.
- Other small bugs.
Version 2.3.7 (November 09, 2013)
- Added an option to center logo.
- Added round circle sticker and you can upload your own icon as sticker.
- Added a predefined color(Brown).
- Added tracking code field.
- Added an option to change number of subcategories per row in grid view.
- Setup transformer theme to look like the demo store 5 on Youtube
- Added possibility to hook product slider(New products slider, Special products slider, etc.) on footer.
- Added possibility to add banners to slideshow.
- Fixed quickview module translation problem.
- Bug Fixes.
Version 2.2.6 (October 14, 2013)
- New module “Related products”.
- New Module “Featured categories”.
- Added new option for change length of product name.
- Added sorting option for banner group.
- Ability to hide products slider on mobile devices.
- Added possibility to hook product slider(New products slider, Special products slider, etc.) on product page.
- Prestashop compatible.
- Improved the layout of the Referral program and Best vouchers.
- Fixed some responsive issues.
- Fixed translation problems.
- Bug Fixes.
Version 2.1.8 (September 22, 2013)
- Added layered blog page PSD files.
- Added an “Accept comment” options in the blog module.
- Added sort option to “New products slider” and “Special Products Slider”.
- Show sale discount percentage/amount.
- Some module translations.
- Bug Fixes.
Version 2.0.0 (September 10, 2013)
- Blog module. Video tutorial: Transformer blog module setup.
- Improved Megamenu.
- Added possibility to hook New products slider, Special products slider, Category products slider and Featured products slider on Right column and Left column.