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Introducing Air Dev – Responsive HTML Website Template
Air Dev, single page layout HTML responsive website template build for creating studio, photography, business, portfolio & professional one page websites. This parallax HTML website template incorporates miscellaneous flexible features, including layouts, parallax effects, shortcuts, custom animations, colors, unique effects and lots more. It has been developed & designed by the deft professionals. With the interactive features of Air Dev one page layout HTML website template, every user, whether an experienced or amateur, can create SEO-friendly website and boost its search engine ranking. Known as one of the worthwhile responsive website templates, this bootstrap HTML website template is packed with built-in cross-device compatibility, clean structure and quick website page loading speed.
Packed with unique animations, Here is one of many:
Wide arrays of prominent yet user-friendly elements of this responsive HTML template have never been seen before in any single page website template. Through the documentation of Air Dev business website template and its marvelous characteristics, one can fulfill the custom needs regarding the website creation in a simple manner.
Explore Preview with Mighty Setting Panel
Noteworthy Features of Air Dev Responsive Website Template at Your Glance
- Responsive Website
- Full-Width and Boxed Layout
- Built with Bootstrap 3
- Parallax Animation
- Multiple Color & Font Variations
- Intelligent Sticky Navigation
- Google Web Font
- Retina Ready
- Font Awesome
- Custom build animations
- Ethan Marcotte for introducing Responsive Web Design
- BootStrap for developing Best of the time Framework
- Imcreator for awesome images in preview
- FontAwesome for really awesome icons
- Google Font for beautiful custom font
- Circliful for animated progress circles
- Snap.svg for SVG assets
- owlgraphic.com for beautiful responsive carousel slider
- Imulus for Retina Js
- Steller.Js for parallax
Version 1.4.1 – 6 November 14
Improved some animation in header. Now the videos open in lightbox and header video images now have smooth upside sliding transition. Here are the pages those got improved:- video-with-frame.html- video-with-frame-dark.html- video-page.html- video-page-dark.html
Version 1.4.0 – 5 November 14
- New Header - Video Header - Eleventh - Blue- New Header - New Header - Video Header - Eleventh - Dark- New Header - Video Header with Browser - Twelfth - Blue- New Header - Video Header with Browser - Twelfth - Dark- New Section - Portfolio- New Section - Gallery- New Element - Lightbox Popup
Version 1.3.2 – 31 October 14
- Fixed JS validation issue of footer contact form. There was an issue in site.js- Updated mail.php
Version 1.3.1 – 23 October 14
- Fixed an alignment issue in navigation's close icon
Version 1.3.0 – 22 October 14
- Added a New navigation style. Now the template comes with regular Horizontal navigation design as well as mobile type navigation design.- Added coming soon header with countdown timer (2 version - blue & dark)- Added 2 more landing page designs- Improved sliding animation in header
Version 1.2.0 – 17 October 14
- Fixed position shift issue on scroll in navigation toggle button. Added some lines ofCSS to make it happen.- Removed FlipSlider in WORK PROCESS section. Now the slider script is custom code andworks just as butter on every range of device and desktops.- Fixed a scroll issue in navigation as reported by a user
Version 1.1.0 – 15 October 14
- Fixed navigation flickering issues on hover in Google Chrome- Added 4 new landing pages- Documentation has been enhanced and updated online.
Version 1.0.0 – 14 October 14
- Published on ThemeForest
Customer Appreciations
It means a lot
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Awesome Friendly Support
theem’on is handling all technical support for this Template so in-case you have any questions related to this theme, feel free to email us at support@theemon.com or via our ThemeForest.com user page contact form.