Katya - Responsive Creative CV Template

Katya - Responsive Creative CV Template

Katya – Responsive Creative CV Template : HTML VERSION

Built using Bootstrap 3.2. Very suitable for showing your portfolio and blog interactively. Katya is provided with 6 pre-made skins, choose your favourite one. For your visitor, we provided Mailchimp for newsletter and working AJAX contact form that will send to your email address.

Joomla version

WP version

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  1. Responsive Design : Perfect for Mobile
  2. 6 Pre-Made Colors
  3. Filterable Portfolio
  4. MailChimp Ready
  5. Working AJAX Contact Form
  6. Twitter Feeds
  7. Google Maps
  8. Touch-Enabled Slide Carousel
  9. Typing Effect
  10. Text Rotator
  11. Blog Post and Portfolio Section
  12. Valid HTML5 Code
  13. Well-Commented Code


  1. Images from Unsplash, DeviantArt, Dribbble.
  2. Font awesome
  3. jQuery
  4. jQuery Validate
  5. Bootstrap
  6. Masonry
  7. twitterFetcher.js
  8. Owl.carousel.js
  9. SmoothScroll.js
  10. Google Map design from Codyhouse
  11. Prefixfree.js
  12. Shuffle.js
  13. Typer.js
  14. Morphext.js
  15. Fastclick.js

Online Documentation

You can read the online documentation : Doc


I’m glad to help you fix your problem, please send me email via my contact page. I will help you as soon as possible.

Change Log

30 October 2014Initial release

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