VIENNA - Responsive WordPress Restaurant Theme

VIENNA - Responsive WordPress Restaurant Theme

Vienna is a premium restaurant WordPress theme and is designed for anyone in the restaurant and/or hospitality industry. Vienna was designed for restaurant and bar owners, banquet halls, catering companies, hospitality venues and professional bloggers who cater to the food niche.

Vienna is a rock solid theme from top to bottom…so why settle for anything else?

Updates :

VIENNA v2.2.1 (Apr. 6, 2016)

- New Custom Post Types customizer option added to disable images on menu posts - New Custom Post Types customizer option added to disable More Info button on gallery posts - New icon_position parameter added to standardButton shortcode to set the position of the icon on the left or right of the button - Updated child theme

VIENNA v2.2 (Mar. 16, 2016)

- Visual Composer updated to version 4.11.1- Add to cart ajax feature for Woocommerce shop fixed- New customizer option added to enable/disable ajax add to cart for Woocommerce (under Customize Vienna -> Woocommerce Options)- Recaptcha removed from all forms- Custom headers removed from all forms- New customizer option added to enable/disable the sub-header area globally (under Customize Vienna -> Header Options)- Theme sampler bug fixed- Updated translation files- Updated child theme

VIENNA v2.1.9 (Mar. 4, 2016)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.10- HTML tags removed from copyright notice and footer call to actions- Search filter removed - search now displays results from posts, pages and custom post types- Forms now output emails in HTML format- Excerpt limit removed from menu posts- Single menu post image now displays with full height- New customizer option added under Woocommerce Options to change the title of the Woocommerce tag/category pages- Updated customizer settings file- Updated child theme- Updated translation files

VIENNA v2.1.8 (Jan. 30, 2016)

- Theme has now been optimized for increased speed (minified js and css scripts along with conditional checks for active shortcodes and widgets)- New Event Form shortcode added with terms and conditions checkbox option- New Catering Form shortcode added with terms and conditions checkbox  option- New Reservation Form shortcode added with terms and conditions checkbox  option- Comments system bug fixed- New customizer option added to increase the height of the menu post image- Minor css issues fixed- Updated child theme- Updated translation files

VIENNA v2.1.7 (Jan. 8, 2016)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.9.1- Redux Framework updated to version New header option added to customizer to increase or decrease the page header height- All forms have been merged into WordPress framework making them 100% translatable- Minor bugs fixed- Security enhancements added to code- Updated child theme- Updated translation files

VIENNA v2.1.6 (Dec. 18, 2015)

- Google Re-captcha added to reservation form- Double submission bug fixed on event form- Updated child theme

VIENNA v2.1.5 (Dec. 16, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.9- Woocommerce template files updated- Form security image replaced with Google Re-captcha module across all forms- New "Google Options" tab added to theme customizer for Re-captcha API keys- Event Type list on catering and event forms now checks for validation- Updated child theme

VIENNA v2.1.4 (October 29, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.8- Menu items on mobile resolution now stretch 100% when excerpt is not present- Updated wpml-config.xml file- Updated child theme- minor bugs fixed

VIENNA v2.1.3 (October 5, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated to version 4.7.4- New list option added to display all Gallery posts under theme customizer- New list option added to display all Event posts under theme customizer- New PrettyPhoto options added to enable/disable social features and carousel controls- Text transform, word spacing and letter spacing fields added to all font options- New radion option added to enable/disable "Read More" button on menu posts- New parameter added to menuItems shortcode to enable/disable "Read More" button on menu posts- Updated child theme

VIENNA v2.1.2 (September 17, 2015)

- New parameter added to contactForm shortcode to disable the captcha- Google map rendering issue fixed- Page Title/Message background color bug fixed- New option added under theme customizer to control the amount of opacity on the page title/message background color- New option added under theme customizer to control the amount of opacity of the main header

VIENNA v2.1.1 (September 3, 2015)

- Visual composer plugin updated- Visual composer page added for homepage- Templatera template added to setup_files folder (requires Templatera plugin)- New Page Option added to control the amount of padding on the main bootstrap container (beneficial for Visual Composer layouts)- Missing translations on comments section added to .po file- Updated .po file- Updated child theme

VIENNA v2.1 (August 26, 2015)

- Redux framework updated to version 3.5.7- Theme customizer conflict with Redux resolved- PHP security issues resolved- Boxed mode container background color can now be changed under Appearance -> Global Options -> Boxed Mode Container Color- Widget constructor updated for WordPress 4.3- Twitter API credentials removed from theme customizer- Twitter Widget is now powered by Twitter Fetcher Pro (Twitter Widget ID is now required to fetch Tweets)- Updated .po file

VIENNA v2.0 (August 13, 2015)

- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.4.0

VIENNA v1.9.9 (July 1, 2015)

- Redux framework updated to version menuItems shortcode improved (can now be used to display individual menus on separate pages based on category or tag)- Option to disable Retina support added under Global Options in theme customizer section- New Reservation form template added- Menu items are now linked to individual posts allowing more details and information to be presented to customers- Form error messages can now be changed under Vienna Options -> Form Options (default values are translation ready)- btn.css error has been addressed- Product archive page title fixed- Missing translations added- Updated .po file- Gettext wrapper added to Redux fields- Default copyright text added to footer (translation ready)- Redux options file updated- Visual composer 4.5.3 now bundled

VIENNA v1.9.8 (June 28, 2015)

- PrettyPhoto XSS Fix

VIENNA v1.9.7 (May 27, 2015)

- New color option added to control the expandable search field color (under Theme customizer Header Options)- Tooltip color option now gets applied correctly- Default image placeholder on Woocommerce product posts has been fixed- Fixed height on Pulse Slider can now be disabled (under Theme customizer Pulse Slider Options)- Expired events now get filtered out automatically- Primary color now gets applied correctly to micro navigation hover state- Banner area on events, staff and gallery menus now gets hidden automatically if no content is found- Updated .po file

VIENNA v1.9.6 (April 27, 2015)

- eventItems shortcode now displays start and end times- Event widget posts now displays start and end times- Minor CSS adjustments made

VIENNA v1.9.5 (April 25, 2015)

- Redux framework updated to 3.5.4- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.3.8

VIENNA v1.9.4 (April 20, 2015)

Updates in 1.9.4:

- Theme customizer import/export plugin now bundled- New Theme customizer settings file now bundled- Footer text bug fixed (Newsletter and Social column titles)

VIENNA v1.9.3 (April 13, 2015)

Updates in 1.9.3:

- Missing translations added to template files- Updated .po / .mo files

VIENNA v1.9.2 (April 8, 2015)

Updates in 1.9.2:

- Micro navigation area can now be disabled under the Theme customizer panel- JS Localization scripts have now been moved to functions.php file- Late escaping added on dynamic footer content such as copyright notice and column titles- Updated documentation- Updated child theme

VIENNA v1.9.1 (April 8, 2015)

Updates in 1.9.1:

- Tab system bug fixed when adding multiple tab systems on a single page- Multiple menuItems shortcodes can now be added on a single page

VIENNA v1.9 (April 1, 2015)

Updates in 1.9:

- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.3.7- postItems, eventItems, and menuItems shortcodes are now powered by Owl Carousel- Tag menu can now be displayed on eventItems and menuItems shortcodes- Variable product support added for Woocommerce- Accordion system now works correctly on mobile devices and tablets- Multiple accordion and tab systems can now be added on a single page- Google map shortcode now displays correctly inside tab and accordion systems- Menu indicator option has now been switched to a FontAwesome icon value for easier management- Drop menu icon can now be changed with any FontAwesome value under the Theme customizer- Updated Redux framewowk

VIENNA v1.8 (Mar. 10, 2015)

Updates in 1.8:

- Events can now be ordered by event date in ascending or descending order- Email field added to staff profiles- Primary color now gets applied to all form fields correctly- Action button can now be opened in a new window- Minor responsive issues fixed on Woocommerce forms- Primary color now gets applied to main navigation drop down list arrow icon- Woocommerce product buttons alignment fixed for Chrome browser- Woocommerce and Visual composer shortcodes now load correctly with the default template- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.3.5- WPML language selector now displays flag icons- New slideshow speed added for Testimonials widget (under theme customizer)- Translation files now load correctly- Updated .po and .mo file (now includes all translations including Redux framework, Custom post types and WordPress admin)

VIENNA v1.7 (Feb. 9, 2015)

Updates in 1.7:

- New theme customizer option added under Global Options to control the drop menu color of the mobile menu- New theme customizer option added under Global Options to control the color of the mobile menu toggle button- Desktop menu and Mobile menu now support 2 level deep menus- Element animation support added to the bootstrapColumn shortcode- New Global Sub-header Page Image option added under Header Options in the theme customizer - the image gets applied across the entire site- Updated documentation

VIENNA v1.6 (January 26, 2015)

Updates in 1.6:

- New theme customizer options added to toggle the social icons column and the newsletter field column individually in the social footer area- New theme customizer section added for custom post types (events and gallery options added)- New theme customizer option added under Business info to add a Google map link to the address in the header area- Image previewers on Custom post type edit pages have been fixed.- Updated Documentation- Bullets have been restored on unordered lists

VIENNA v1.5 (January 4, 2015)

Updates in 1.5:

- Default values added to all theme customizer options (minus image fields). Initial setup of theme is now much easier with most of the default values in place.- Mobile Menu opacity slider added to Global Options tab- Page background option under Global options fixed- Repeat background option under Global options fixed

VIENNA v1.4 (December 30 2014)

Updates in 1.4:

- Default values have been manually added to bullet options in theme customizer- Pulse slider options have been improved with new slider elements- Theme customizer has been re-organized for better overall layout- New option added to change the main navigation separator (under Header Options)- New slider option added to control the opacity of the main navigation drop-down menu (under Header Options)- New slider option added  to control the height of the main navigation (under Header Options)- New slider option added to control padding around the main navigation (under Header Options)- Bloginfo issue fixed on header area (duplicate taglines have been removed)- New list menu option added to the Quick contact form widget which controls the color of the response message- Redux framework updated to latest version Other minor issues and bugs fixed

VIENNA v1.3 (November 26 2014)

Updates in 1.3:

- Customizer options added to control height of the Pulse Slider for desktop and mobile resolutions (under Pulse Slider Options tab)- Customizer option added to hide prices on Shop page (under Woocommerce Options tab)- Event post option added to hide share options- Post option added to hide share options- New options added to send confirmation emails to customers for event and catering forms (under Vienna Options -> Form Options tab)- Other minor bugs addressed- Updated documentation

VIENNA v1.2 (November 19 2014)

Updates in 1.2:

- Redux Options framework updated to version (Import from file button is now fixed under Import/Export section)

VIENNA v1.1 (November 14 2014)

Updates in 1.1:

- Option to disable Company logo on desktop and mobile menus (added under Theme customer header options tab)- Menu item price box remains hidden if no price is entered- Pulse slider text boxes and button remains hidden if no content is entered- Pulse slider arrows remain hidden if there is only slide inserted- Developer mode has been disabled on Redux framework- Woocommerce template files updated for version 2.2- Redux framework upgraded to version 3.3.9- Documentation updated (theme customizer section)- PHP mail class fixed

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