BURAN - Smart Portfolio and Business Theme

BURAN - Smart Portfolio and Business Theme

Agency, Portfolios, Portfolio Grid, Portfolio Masonry, Portfolio Projects, Portfolio Single Slider, Portfolio Single ImagesAgency, Portfolios, Portfolio Grid, Portfolio Masonry, Portfolio Projects, Portfolio Single Slider, Portfolio Single Images

BURAN – Premium Portfolio & Agency Theme

Now you are able to create a quick & easy HTML5 portfolio that showcase your work with an enjoyable design having a distinctive and creative touch.

Powerful WP Theme designed in a clean and minimalistic style. This theme is very flexible, easy for customizing and well documented, approaches for personal and professional use. BURAN has been coded in HTML5 & CSS3 and jQuery. It has a solid flexible responsive layout that scales from 320px to 1260px width all Bootstrap features. Follow me to be notified for future updates!

BURAN is a portfolio WordPress theme, focused on minimalism, elegance and simplicity. It’s created with masonry portfolio grid. Packed with a lot of useful features, options and shortcodes.

Key Features

  • Clean, Modern Design can be used for any type of website
  • Most popular Drag and Drop Page Builder, also comes with a ton of unqiue elements
  • Responsive designs that addapts to smaller devices (phones, tablets)
  • Retina Ready
  • Revolution Slider included
  • Post Format Support: Standard, Image, Video, Gallery
  • Multiple Slideshows possible. You can add multiple to each post, page or portfolio entry
  • Video and Audio Support: Supports Videos and Audios from any major video hosting service, also self hosted video and audio
  • Unlimited Color Options with Backend Color Picker for any kind of gorgeous color settings.
  • Unlimited Portfolio Pages.
  • Free Lifetime Updates
  • jQuery 100% unobtrusive wich degrades gracefully if javascript is turned off
  • SEO Optimized: our Code is built with SEO best practice in mind: headings, google rich snippets and so much more
  • Advanced Typography Options
  • Focus on typography, usability and user-experience
  • Extensive documentation

Advanced Portfolios

You can have unlimited portfolios, each with it’s own categories and custom settings. You havea lot useful features to make your website a perfect showcase of your amazing products!

The project pages allow rich content so you can include absolutely anything inside your portfolio, being limited only by your creativity.

Change Log

15 APRIL 2016 VERSION 1.0.7
- Visual Composer and Revolution Slider updated (/BURAN Theme/buran_theme.zip/buran/framework/plugins ) reinstall it.- Demo content was splitted by type(Posts/Pages/Portfolios & etc.)- Improved security- WordPress 4.5 ready- Fixed issues with new VC version: Added new row parameter - Stick Together. Use it to stick columns in one row.- Fixed issue with LINK BLOCK shortcode- Fixed issue With MAP shortcode ========Need to reinstall theme. You will not loose your content

07 NOV 2015 VERSION 1.0.6

-Visual Composer updated- Revolution Slider updated---How to Update--1) Reinstall Plugins they are in buran-theme.zip/buran/framework/plugins/2) Replace themes/buran/style.css

Security Update 28 JUN 2015
---How to Update--1) Replace /theme-options folder2) New File /framework/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php3) Replace /functions.php ---OR---1) Just reinstall theme

27 JUN 2015 VERSION 1.0.5

- Visual Composer updated- Revolution Slider updated---How to Update--1) Reinstall Plugins they are in themes/buran/framework/plugins/2) Replace themes/buran/style.css

06 MAY 2015 VERSION 1.0.4

- Revolution Slider Updated- Visual Composer Updated---How to Update--1) Reinstall Plugins they are in themes/buran/framework/plugins/2) Replace themes/buran/style.css

26 FEB 2015 VERSION 1.0.3
- Revolution Slider Updated- Visual Composer Updated---HOW  TO UPDATE--1) Reinstall Plugins they are in themes/buran/framework/plugins/2) Replace themes/buran/style.css

05 FEB 2015 VERSION 1.0.2
– Revolution Slider Updated- Visual Composer Updated- Now you can separate your portfolio pages by tags- Fixed issue with menu colors---HOW  TO UPDATE--1) Just reinstall theme2) Reinstall Plugins they are in themes/buran/framework/plugins/--OR--a) Replace themes/buran/style.cssb) Replace themes/buran/portfolio.phpc) Replace themes/buran/framework/portfolio-*.php (4 files)d) Replace themes/buran/framework/ajax-portfolio.phpe) Replace themes/buran/js folderf) Reinstall Plugins they are in themes/buran/framework/plugins/j) Replace themes/buran/framework/css/style.php

26 JAN 2015 VERSION 1.0.1

- Revolution Slider Updated- Visual Composer Updated- Added Video support for Blog Posts- Added Audio Support for Blog Posts- Improved Featured Image hover effect- Added Columns with ID and Thumb in admin panel( now it's easy to use Buran Shortcodes)- Added zoom parameter to BURAN google map shortcode- Improved Documentation---HOW  TO UPDATE--1) Just reinstall theme2) Reinstall Plugins they are in themes/buran/framework/plugins/--OR--a) Replace themes/buran/style.cssb) Replace themes/buran/framework/main_style.cssc) Replace themes/buran/post-format folderd) Replace themes/buran/vc_extend foldere) Replace themes/buran/js folderf) Reinstall Plugins they are in themes/buran/framework/plugins/

24 JAN 2015
 - Initial Release

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