Cooper is perfect for a wide variety of projects. Easy to use and clean code will be a simple task to get you up and running in no time. Another option to mention is that it is built with LESS CSS.Copper is Html5 + CSS3 Multipurpose template and works fine in all major browsers and IE from version 9. It’s powered by jQuery and you’ll find nice and discreet interactivity. The code is clearly written.
- 01_Home 1
- 02_Home 2
- 03_Home 3
- 04_Home 4
- 05_Home 5
- 06_Home 6
- 07_Shop with Slider
- 08_Shop Sidebar
- 09_Shop No Slider
- 10_Shop Single
- 11_About us 1
- 12_About us 2
- 13_About us 3
- 14_About Me 1
- 15_About Me 2
- 16_Services 1
- 17_Services 2
- 18_Portfolio 3 Column Full Width
- 19_Portfolio 4 Column Full Width
- 20_Portfolio 1 Column
- 21_Portfolio 2 Column
- 22_Portfolio 3 Column
- 23_Portfolio 2 Column Text
- 24_Portfolio 3 Column Text
- 25_Portfolio 4 Column Text
- 26_Portfolio Thin Long Width
- 27_Portfolio Single Smaller
- 28_Portfolio Single Bigger
- 29_Blog Full
- 30_Blog 1 Right SideBar
- 31_Blog 1 Left SideBar
- 32_Blog 2 Right SideBar
- 33_Blog 2 Left SideBar
- 34_Blog 3 Masonry
- 35_Blog 3 Masonry Left Side bar
- 36_Blog 3 Masonry Right Side bar
- 37_Pricing
- 38_Testimonials
- 39_Blank
- 40_404 Error
- 41_Careers
- 42_Contact
- 43_LightBox
- 44_LogIn
- Roboto Slab (free)
Fonts used
Note: The images you see in the screenshots are used for demo purposes only, they are not included in the download package, the orignial ones are replaces with placeholders.
Thank you