Pixit is a flat and responsive admin template for multi-usage built with Bootstrap 3. There are a lot of useful components, well organized and structured properly. It offer you great variety of layout options and resources and it include a frontend theme.We are please to release continuous long term updates and many features will be coming soon in the future updates. Once you purchased Pixit, you will be entitled to free download of all future updates.
You want a specific page? Don’t hesitate to ask us, we will do it for you
New Features in version 1.5:
- Shopping Cart & checkout View
- Contact page with Google Map animation View
- Search Results: articles, members, events, pictures View

- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- HTML5 / CSS3
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap Framework 3
- Fixed sidebar and topbar
- 4 differents left sidebar: large, medium, small and hidden
- Chat right sidebar
- 6 Colors skins
- Widgets: chat, profil, statistics, flip panels
- 5 charts libraries: flot, morris, ricksaw, sparkline, d3
- Custom notifications with various status, positions and options
- Custom modals with transition effects
- Animations CSS3 demo page
- eCommerce Features:
- eCommerce Dashboard
- Products page: remove, edit or add products
- Product overview with edit
- Orders page
- Order overview with edit
- Invoice Page with ready print button
- Pricing Tables with various styles
- Blog Management Features:
- Blog Dashboardr
- Posts list
- Post pageremove, edit or add a post
- Events listing
- Event pageremove, edit or add a post
- Blog Page
- Blog Single Page
- Tables:
- Various styles of tables: contextual, striped, bordered, hover
- Editable tables: remove, edit or add data on the fly
- Search results
- Reorder columns
- Fixed columns
- Hide/show columns
- Forms:
- Custom form style
- Datepicker / Timepicker / Modal date and time picker
- Custom slider and switch
- WYSIWYG editor
- Inline editable elements
- Multi file upload: dropzone and jquery file upload
- Wizard online & modal
- Advanced validation options
- Custom pages:
- Timeline
- Mailbox and new message
- Members lis with live search
- FAQ with category search
- Comments with modal edition
- Profil Edit & notifications
- User profile
- Gallery
- Medias manager
- Login page / Signup page / Password recover
- Lockscreen page
- Error pages: 404, 500
- Calendar with draggable & editable events
- Line /Bar/ Pie charts (Flot, Rickshaw, Morris, NvD3, Sparkline, Circliful)
- Custom icons & buttons
- Many bootstrap plugins
- Various Font icons set
- Custom notifications
- Tooltips & popovers
- Nestable and sortable list with dark and light style
- File trees
- Image croping
- Google Maps
- Custom panels / Draggable panels
Version 1.5 (June 23, 2014)
NEW FEATURES:--------------------------[+] SHOPPING CART & Checkout[+] SEARCH RESULTS: articles, events, images, members[+] CONTACT PAGE page with Google markers animation
Version 1.4 (June 8, 2014)
BLOG FEATURES:--------------------------[+] Blog DASHBOARD[+] ARTICLES page[+] ARTICLE VIEW page with edit[+] EVENTS[+] EVENT VIEW with edit
Version 1.3 (May 19, 2014)
ECOMMERCE FEATURES:--------------------------[+] eCommerce DASHBOARD[+] PRODUCTS page[+] PRODUCT VIEW page with edit: info, SEO, images, reviews[+] ORDERS [+] ORDER VIEW (items, customer, past orders...)ISSUES FIX:--------------------------* Fix file upload security break
Version 1.2 (May 13, 2014)
6 NEW PAGES:--------------------------[+] NOTES APPLICATION[+] COMING SOON page[+] PRICING TABLES with 3 styles[+] INTRO PLUGIN to explain your service[+] FORUM and ANSWER pagesISSUES FIX:--------------------------* Fix checkbox and radio button issue on mobile device* Fix frontend issue on mobile device.
Version 1.1 (May 7, 2014)
5 NEW PAGES:--------------------------[+] MEMBERS LIST with live search [+] INVOICE with ready print button[+] FAQ with category search[+] COMMENTS with modal edition[+] PROFIL EDIT & notificationsISSUES FIX:--------------------------* Back to top on click on menu for mobile view* Minor css issues fixed.
Ideas for next version? Send us a message to discuss about it!
Please rate it if you like it, it helps for futur updates & improvements, thanks you!