Lush is a complete solution for everybody in the music industry.
If you are a jazz master, punk rocker, soprano singer, piano player, band manager or even a webmaster, this premium theme is for you.
We build this theme with a vision: How can we design a beautiful website dedicated to multiple music lovers that will always looks beautiful and unique?
The answer is in Lush. Enjoy.

View Changelog
- Zoltan Szirmai (
- Engin Asil (
- Robin Lambrecht (
- Michael Thompson (
- Jessica Branstetter (
- Montecruz foto (
- Green poster by Sarah Mulligan (
- Yellow poster by Spablab (
- Accoustic poster by Room122 (
People who have a version prior to 2.2.3 and want to update the theme will have to go through all the Visual Composer’s rows that include a background image or color and apply the settings again. In addition, the new version of Visual Composer allows user to set margin, padding, border and also image background and parallax for every rows and columns. That’s a huge plus. To do that, there is an additional tab located in the row’s setting called “Design Option”. This tab was available before, but our theme was not using any of these parameters. Now we do. See screenshot:
Also, you may have to set margins and paddings for your rows.
V.2.6 – April15th 2016
- Fixed WordPress 4.5 compatibility with Visual Composer and Javascript
- Fixed menu width on some mobile devices
- Fixed broken logo for people using https
- Updated Visual Composer to version 4.11.2 (Go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Delete the plugin then go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and install the new plugin)
- Updated Revolution Slider to version (Go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Delete the plugin then go to Appearance > Install Plugins > and install the new plugin)
V.2.5 – February 15th 2016
- Added Sidekick 2.6.8 – Real-time, voice-guided WordPress training and support straight from your dashboard
V. – February 06th 2016
- Fix issue with background color of widgets since v2.4
V.2.4 – February 2nd 2016
- Added settings in typography to change the text size of the page banners for desktop, tablet and mobile
- Added word-break: break-word for H1 title
- Fixed an issue regarding the parallax effect when the page is reloaded while scrolling down the page. The background-position was miscalculated
- Fixed display issue on the MP3 player when you had long titles
- Fixed conflict when using an ID named Events
- Fixed display issue when you have only 2 menu items with short names
- Fixed the back to top button
- Lush now comes with a .pot file to easily translate your theme
- Fixed the retina logos
- Updated WooCommerce template
V.2.3.5 – December 07th 2015
- Fix menu slider for one-pager
- Fix Google Font domain with best practice
V.2.3.4 – November 19th 2015
- Fix page banner conflict with page background image.
V.2.3.3 – November 18th 2015
- Updated Visual Composer to 4.8.1
- Fixed the VC Text block where Wysiwyg and text editor was hidden.
- Updated the Special Header with parallax background
- Fixed full background issues that was chopped at the top of the page.
- Fixed the VC Tab module is now fully working.
- Added CSS -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; on the body
V.2.3.2 – October 07th 2015
- Minor adjustment that fix background and parallax header for people who installed version 2.3.1
V.2.3.1 – October 07th 2015
- Updated Visual Composer to 4.7.4
- New ! Banner header option for pages with parallax ! You can find this option when you edit your pages (Wp-Admin>Pages>Edit your page)
- Improved the SmoothScroll effect for a smoother experience !
V.2.3 – September 15th 2015
- Updated Visual Composer to 4.7
- Updated Revolution Slider to 5.0.6 (Major update)
- Fix error call on mobile where some files where 404 not found
- Update WooCommerce template to be compatible with WooCommerce 2.4.6
- Fix title for video archive (all categories)
- Moving old plugins for backup, if you want to use the old plugins they are located in “Lush/includes/plugins/old”
V.2.2.10 – June 19th 2015
- Update Visual Composer to 4.5.3
V.2.2.9 – April 15th 2015
- Fixed images in revolution slider, iphone/mobile
- Fixed header on mobile
- Fixed demo import
- Fixed placeholders in setup
- Fixed arrows in primetime
- Fixed css in WooCommerce child section
- Fixed security issues related to add_query_arg/remove_query_arg
- Fixed padding issues in VC
- Added post-type priority
- Added style on container
- Added button on page event page
- Updated TGM to 2.4.2
- Updated Visual Composer to 4.5.1
- Updated Revolution Slider to 4.6.93
- Removed outline on player
- Removed unnecessary WooCommerce override
- Removed shadow on text menu
V.2.2.8 – February 09th 2015
- Fixed scroll issue on android / chrome
- Fixed scroll to section issue on mobile
V.2.2.7 – January 16th 2015
- Updated Visual Composer to v4.3.5 / Fixed bugs on WP 4.1
- Updated Slider Revolution to v.4.6.5
- Updated jPlayer to v2.9.2
- Ajaxified demo import
V.2.2.6 – January 09th 2015
- Optimized theme options / demo import
V.2.2.5 – November 25th 2015
- Added button widget
- Fixed css discography & mediablocks
- Fixed video grid bug chrome
V.2.2.4 – November 12th 2014
- Fixed archive.php child theme support
- Updated Slider Revolution to 4.6.3
- Added possibility to remove row padding on small and medium screens
V.2.2.3 – October 23th 2014
- Update Visual Composer to v.4.3.4
- Update jPlayer to v.2.6.0
- Enhanced Parallax Options
- Added row overlays and patterns
- Fixed scroll to section section id
- Fixed background images on mobile
- Fixed issue with page scroll on tab click
- Added single shop page title option
- Added auto loop to audio player
- Update back to top animation
- Added theme panel Menu Options
V.2.2.2 – August 22th 2014
- Added option to change hot links colors
- Fixed 404 error on past event pages
V.2.2.1 – August 14th 2014
- Fixed media library issue
V.2.2 – August 13th 2014
- Updated jPlayer.swf
- Added events settings options
- Added hide logo on scroll option
- Fix events order on single page sidebars
- Radio Widget – Added show playlist option
- Format single album release date to inherit wordpress date settings.
- Added visual composer custom button widget
- Added visual composer single event widget
- Added Categories to Discographies
V.2.1.1 – July 25th 2014
- Fix css breakpoint page albums pour iPad
- Fix iPhone 5 slider photo
- Added lightbox transition option
- Added a label option for the <buy track=””> button</buy>
- Added option to enable footer newsletter on homepage only
V.2.1.0 – July 17th 2014
- Added Envato Automatic Theme Updater
V.2.0.9 – July 14th 2014
- Event: Dont show time when it’s unselected in the admin.
- Event: Include event city in the post. Include Venue in events list.
- Discography: Include the release date on the discography single page.
- Update Visual Composer 4.2.3 (newest version) + Slider Revolution (newest version)
V.2.0.8 – June 19th 2014
- Added Row ID field to visual composer rows that can be used for navigation.
Ex: if you enter “work” then you can add a custom link to the menu as follow: ”#work”. Once this link is clicked, the page will be scrolled to that specific section.
V.2.0.7 – June 16th 2014
- Fixed redux group field order
V.2.0.6 – June 04th 2014
- Updated Visual Composer to v4.2.2
V.2.0.5 – May 26th 2014
- Updated ACF to v4.3.5-13
V.2.0.4 – May 22th 2014
- Fix single event bug
- Added countdown localisation compatible with WPML
- Updated fontAwesome to v4.1.0
- Added body and menu typography
V.2.0.3 – May 12th 2014
- Fixed bug with errors showing on theme activation
V.2.0.2 – May 07th 2014
- Added menu toggle icon on / off option
- Added “Is Menu” option to header hot links
- Added page settings to all post types singles
V.2.0.1 – April 02nd 2014
- Fix header hot links
- Fix form styles
V.2.0 – April 29th 2014
- WooCommerce – Fully Supported
- Fixed revolution slider default data import
- Fixed Newsletter options
- Added top menu options
V.1.0.1 – April 23th 2014
- Clean up unused code
- Added single post thumbnail options for each single
- Updated Visual Composer to 4.1.2
- Fixed video widget categories filter
- Added “if exists” validation to header logos
- Fix Contact 7 Form styles