Untitled is a Premium One page template best suitable for Design agencies, freelancers, photographers, personal portfolios etc.
The template comes with 2 unique designs with blog pages and portfolio detail pages.
What buyers say about Untitled

- HTML5 & CSS3 – latest web technologies for clean code and fast animations
- Ultra Responsive Theme – looks good on any device (powered by Twitter Bootstrap 3.1.1 Framework)
- Unique Directions Enabled Map – get directions info from your chosen departure location to our office location, displayed on the contact map
- Revolution Slider – buying this theme, you will get a free copy of one of the most popular sliders on the web
- Instagram Feeds – easily load feeds of images directly from Instagram
- Functional Contact Form – the contact form is AJAX enabled and fully functional
- Easy to Use and Customize – source code is well organized and with lots of comments, thus easy to understand and modify
- SEO optimized – engineered for high rankings in search engines
- Infinite colors – the theme comes with two predefined colors, but you can easily change the colors to any color you like
- Youtube video backgrounds – embed any youtube video you like as a background to a section
- Predefined icons – choose between more than 350 predefined icons
- Two predefined styles – Studio and Freelancer
- Appear effects – apply appear effects to an element when it comes into the viewport
- Parallax backgrounds – scroll background at different speed than the page
Note: images used in demo are only for demonstration and not included in main files.
April 17Added classic menu option.April 08Fixed portfolio issueAdded option to add local video as bg